Explore how to trade NFTs without the hassle of multiple platforms. Uniswap streamlines the process, putting you in control.
Uniswap is a decentralized exchange where users can swap cryptocurrency tokens and nonfungible tokens (NFTs). The Uniswap NFT marketplace has handled over 250 million swaps since its inception in 2018. Uniswap’s protocol consists of smart contracts, which are persistent and non-upgradeable at the contract level but can still undergo upgrades and improvements through governance processes. This has facilitated Uniswap and NFT interoperability, making it possible to trade NFTs on several blockchains, including Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain and Polygon.
Uniswap leverages ERC-721 NFT contracts, which offer a unique ID to identify each NFT. These ERC-721 tokens on Uniswap are nonfungible and facilitate the exchanging of NFTs and keeping track of ownership.
The protocol contains a suite of tools, including an NFT aggregator, which facilitates swapping digital assets like Ethereum NFTs on Uniswap. This guide to Uniswap NFT trading explores how users can go about trading digital assets on Uniswap.