How to growth hack Web3 marketing like an OG

The secrets of effective storytelling in the evolving Web3 and crypto space are unlocked as Amanda Cassatt shares her insights and strategies working with some of the top marketing teams in Web3.

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The world of crypto, blockchain and the wider Web3 space has been expanding and doing so at rapid speed. 

Its humble origins as a safe-haven niche for fintech enthusiasts using blockchain to beat the traditional financial system have evolved. It’s now an industry that regulators want to control, celebrities endorse, and some of the biggest institutions are investing in.

This means that in just a decade, the story being told about the space to outsiders in an effort to lure them in as long-term users has also shifted. How do you tell a story about an ecosystem with very little history? How do you sell an idea that is constantly in a state of evolution?

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Why invest in physical gold and silver?
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