How to Learn How to Surf in the Coming Wave by Mustafa Suleyman

Mustafa Suleyman pours down his thoughts in words in the form of his book, The Coming Wave. His book seems to be providing a passing look at technocratic chatter. But the book itself claims to be the work of a writer (Mustafa Suleyman) who is the ultimate insider of the tech industry, which he no doubt is. But the book seems far from showing any such scenario.

Suleyman is famous for being the co-founder of Deepmind Lab, which was later acquired by Google in 2014. After that, he co-founded another initiative, Inflection AI, which is also focused on machine learning and generative AI. Suleyman, a Brit with Seryian and English origins, is now CEO of Microsoft AI, a solely new organization. 

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The Coming Wave

The Coming Wave focuses mainly on the idea that technology comes in waves and is a boundless phenomenon. In his view, large language models and synthetic biology are at the forefront of this technological revolution. Both of these things will shape the world we live in, as they will have lasting impacts on our lives. He emphasizes that the right people must be in charge of shaping these technological possibilities to make it possible that the latest tech is a positive and fulfilling force rather than a force of destructive character.

The 300-page book The Coming Wave is a warning against the fast technological evolution and its possible consequences, which, if not contained, could have a lethal impact on mankind. The entire book is a sort of warning against artificial intelligence and technology, which, if left uncontrolled, could be seriously harmful. Suleyman expressed his doubts that no nation will step up to contain these situations as they are too dependent on economic benefits.

In his view, small AI models have the capacity to turn the world upside down if left uncontrolled. For example, the fusion of AI and microbiology has the potential to design viruses that can swipe off millions of deaths in months. Sounds like a horror movie plot. isn’t it? But it can be a possibility in its true sense.

Mustafa Suleyman’s view 

He keeps on repeating in his book that the wave is coming, but the book seems less convincing as it lacks clarity at some level. The repetitive topics and un analogies and comparisons dilute the message. While it is an appreciated effort from a tech entrepreneur to give a glimpse inside the industry to his readers, but the book lacks factual data and rather revolves around assumptions. 

As said, it’s an appreciated effort because we don’t get to read a book from an entrepreneur of this stature every time, and while he is good at explaining the dangers of the further technological development, at a time it no longer remains a coming wave, but rather a wave of AI only. Finally, the debate turns to regulation needs, that’s where the book loses its luster and becomes a general saga. But rest assured, it provides good material for mental fodder. 

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