How to Make the Best Use of Top 10 Arbitrum Analytic Tools

Arbitrum alleviates the scalability and high transaction fees plaguing Ethereum while maintaining compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and existing smart contracts. By bundling transactions and submitting summaries to the Ethereum mainnet, Arbitrum analytic tools ensure significant transaction speed and cost efficiency. However, utilizing dedicated analytic tools becomes imperative in understanding the trends, transactions, and market dynamics surrounding these digital assets.

An analytic tool is a software or platform designed to collect, process, and analyze data to provide insights and valuable information. These tools examine various data types, such as financial, market, user, or network data, and extract meaningful patterns, trends, and statistics. Analytic tools often employ data visualization, statistical analysis, and machine learning algorithms to help users understand and interpret complex data sets. They are crucial in decision-making, strategic planning, and performance evaluation across industries and domains.

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Here are the top 10 Arbitrum analytics tools that support the network:

Nansen Portfolio

Nansen Portfolio is a platform developed by Nansen, a company specializing in blockchain analytics and insights. It provides users, particularly crypto investors, a personal DeFi dashboard that offers critical data and aggregated insights for their on-chain holdings and activities.

With Nansen Portfolio, ARB investors can create multiple portfolio dashboards by connecting cross-chain wallets. This feature lets them instantly access essential data and gain valuable insights into their on-chain holdings and activities. Users can track market movements, assess their exposure, view performance over time, and leverage Nansen’s analytics tools for deeper exploration. The platform offers comprehensive coverage of 476 protocols and 42 chains, including popular ones like Ethereum, Solana, and Cosmos, with ongoing additions to the supported chains.


CoinStats is a comprehensive platform designed to assist users in managing their cryptocurrency and DeFi assets. It offers a range of features and functionalities to track, analyze, and oversee crypto portfolios.

One of the primary features of CoinStats is its centralized dashboard, which allows users to monitor their crypto holdings. It supports popular cryptocurrency platforms like Binance and Coinbase, among others, enabling users to stay informed about their investments.

CoinStats also provides a dedicated DeFi wallet that allows users to manage their crypto and DeFi assets in one place. Users can perform various actions such as buying, selling, swapping, tracking, and earning on their crypto assets. The platform supports swaps on chains, including Arbitrum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Ethereum, and Polygon. Additionally, users can sync their bank cards for fiat-to-crypto purchases.

CoinStats also offers a crypto profit calculator. The calculator helps users calculate gains and losses, allowing them to evaluate the profitability of their crypto investments. The platform emphasizes security and implements advanced measures, including military-grade encryption, to protect user data and assets.


NFTScan is a website that serves as an NFT explorer, allowing Arbitrum users to explore and track NFTs on various blockchain networks. It provides tools and features to analyze NFT trading data, collections, sales, volume, and other relevant information for blockchains such as Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, etc.

As an NFT explorer, enables users to access valuable insights into the NFT market. They can explore NFT marketplaces, review recent transactions, and monitor live minting activities. The platform offers a comprehensive resource for individuals interested in NFT, providing data-driven analysis and information. also offers contract verification, metadata refreshing, collection management, and access to the NFT API. These services cater to developers, collectors, and enthusiasts in the NFT ecosystem, offering tools to support their activities and enhance their understanding of the market.


AnChain.AI is a company that specializes in blockchain analytics and security solutions for Web3 digital assets. They focus on providing comprehensive protection and risk prevention measures for the crypto market. With a wide range of products and expertise, AnChain.AI offers real-time transaction monitoring, AML API for inline blocking, smart contract analytics, and wallet behavior profiling using machine learning technology. They also provide smart contract auditing, blockchain investigation and forensics, and compliance assessments.

One notable achievement of AnChain.AI is its partnership with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Their multi-year contract with the SEC assists in monitoring the decentralized finance (DeFi) industry, demonstrating their commitment to regulatory compliance and support for risk management in the digital asset space.

Digital asset platforms can leverage their smart-contract intelligence to prevent illicit fund flows and block bad actors. Government agencies can benefit from AI-enriched entity-level intelligence to combat criminal activities and take preventative action across major blockchains.


Lifeboat is a crypto platform that provides users a streamlined and efficient way to stay up-to-date with NFT communities and manage their NFT portfolios. It acts as a central hub where users can access a personalized feed of information related to their NFT holdings and activities.

The platform addresses the challenge of navigating the vast information and updates surrounding NFT projects. It consolidates data from various sources, such as Discord and Twitter, allowing users to access relevant information in one place. By aggregating news from these sources, Lifeboat helps users cut through the noise and ensures they get all important updates and opportunities within their NFT communities.

One of the key features of Lifeboat is its personalized task list, which categorizes different types of updates and activities. Users can easily navigate the list and jump directly to actions they need to take, such as registering for events, claiming rewards, or participating in airdrops. This approach saves users time and effort by providing a clear and organized overview of their tasks.

Lifeboat also offers multi-wallet support, enabling users to link multiple wallets to their accounts. This feature allows users to monitor their NFT activity across different chains, providing a comprehensive view of their NFT holdings and transactions.


DappLooker is a platform that provides no-code multi-chain smart contracts and subgraph web3 analytics. It offers tools and services to analyze and monitor decentralized applications (dApps) built on various blockchain networks. The platform aims to simplify analyzing blockchain data and extracting insights without the need for advanced programming skills.

DappLooker allows users to access and analyze data from blockchains, including Arbitrum. The platform enables users to create custom analytics dashboards, visualize data, and track various metrics related to dApps, such as transaction volume, user activity, and smart contract interactions.

By offering a no-code approach, DappLooker allows individuals and teams to gain valuable insights into the performance and usage of decentralized applications without the need for extensive technical expertise. This feature benefits developers, blockchain enthusiasts, and businesses looking to understand and optimize their dApp operations.

Dune Analytics

Dune Analytics is a comprehensive platform that enables users to analyze and explore cryptocurrency data using SQL queries and visualization tools. It offers a user-friendly interface allowing individuals to access and create crypto dashboards, facilitating insights into various projects and trends in the crypto space. Users can leverage thousands of pre-built dashboards or design custom charts and dashboards using SQL queries. Dune Analytics supports multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Optimism, Gnosis Chain, and any smart contract created on these blockchains.

The platform provides a free forever plan, allowing users to access and utilize the platform’s features without cost. A Pro plan is available for advanced functionalities like private queries and result exports. By empowering individuals and organizations to make data-driven decisions, Dune Analytics contributes to a deeper understanding of the crypto market and facilitates informed decision-making processes.

Zetta Block

ZettaBlock provides users with a comprehensive development toolkit for Web3 applications; it offers various tools and functionalities to support developers and analysts in their Web3 projects.

The development toolkit offered by ZettaBlock includes components such as Query Builder, API Builder, API Detailed Page, Charts, Dashboards, Data Connectors, and Webhooks. These tools enable users to build APIs, create interactive dashboards, and connect with different data sources. ZettaBlock supports three primary data sources: Blockchain Data, Off-chain Data, and User Defined Data. By leveraging these data sources, users can gain insights, perform analyses, and develop applications within the Web3 ecosystem.

ZettaBlock aims to provide a user-friendly and efficient environment for Web3 development, offering simplified solutions that enhance speed, performance, and cost-effectiveness. The platform emphasizes out-of-the-box functionality and the ability to accelerate Web3 development processes.

Delphi Digital

Delphi Digital is a company that provides research and analysis services in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. The company offers insights and reports on various aspects of the crypto industry.

Delphi Digital’s research covers many topics, including stablecoins, market outlooks, Bitcoin updates, Layer 2 scaling, and governance models. They analyze trends, provide market outlooks, and offer recommendations based on their research findings.

Delphi Digital’s research and analysis aim to provide valuable insights and support decision-making processes for individuals and institutions in the cryptocurrency space. For more detailed information about Delphi Digital’s reports and offerings, visiting their official website or exploring their research publications is recommended.


Coin Metrics is a well-known company in the cryptocurrency industry that specializes in market data and analytics. They offer a range of solutions and services tailored to meet the needs of traders, analysts, and researchers.

One of their key offerings is the Coin Metrics Market Data Feed. This data feed provides access to historical and real-time data from over 30 leading spot and derivatives crypto exchanges. It includes various types of fundamental market-related data such as tick-by-tick trades, quotes, order book snapshots, and candles. The Market Data Feed covers a wide range of assets, pairs, spot markets, and derivatives markets, allowing users to gain valuable insights into the crypto market.

Coin Metrics also provides tools and services for data analysis and visualization. They offer charts, dashboards, and formulas to help users interpret and present the data effectively. These resources enable traders, analysts, and researchers to make informed decisions and understand the cryptocurrency market better.

In addition, Coin Metrics offers data file downloads through their Community Network Data. These files allow users to access and utilize Coin Metrics’ extensive data for independent research and analysis.

Coin Metrics’ comprehensive coverage, versatile data delivery options, and reliable infrastructure make it a valuable resource for systematic and quantitative trading. Traders can leverage historical datasets for designing, training, and backtesting trading models, while real-time datasets support live trading and portfolio risk management. The company’s offerings cater to various analytical use cases within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


Whether it’s monitoring market trends, tracking token balances, analyzing contract interactions, or evaluating network performance, the featured analytic tools offer a range of functionalities to suit diverse needs. Their user-friendly interfaces and powerful capabilities make them indispensable for understanding the nuances of the Arbitrum network.

As the Arbitrum ecosystem evolves and matures, we can expect further advancements in analytic tools, providing even more comprehensive and sophisticated insights. These tools will play a vital role in unlocking the full potential of Arbitrum and supporting its growth as a scalable and efficient blockchain solution.

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