IBM Launches AI School to Empower Telcos for Industry Innovation

In a significant move aimed at enhancing the capabilities of telecommunications companies, IBM and the GSMA have unveiled a pioneering initiative focused on the integration of generative artificial intelligence (AI) within the telecom sector. The announcement comes amidst a rapidly evolving technological landscape, where AI stands as a pivotal tool for both operational efficiency and value creation.

The collaborative effort between IBM and the GSMA introduces a comprehensive training program and industry challenge designed to foster education, experimentation, and innovation in the realm of generative AI within the telecommunications industry.

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The initiative comprises three key phases

Establishment of an AI school: The inaugural phase involves the setup of an AI school at regional IBM offices. Targeting c-suite executives primarily from tier-two and tier-three operators, this phase aims to impart insights into the techno-economic potential of AI. Additionally, developers across various telco departments will receive training to transition into content creators, thereby facilitating a culture of innovation within the industry.

Live Sandbox experimentation platform: The subsequent phase introduces a live sandbox experimentation platform, offering predefined use cases across different domains such as customer care and experience. Developers will have the opportunity to engage hands-on with generative AI, fostering a practical understanding of its applications and implications within the telecom landscape.

Development of federated data hub: The final phase, currently in early planning, focuses on building a federated data hub to facilitate collaborative data sharing among non-competitive telco graduates within a region. This collaborative approach aims to optimize the development and tuning of AI foundation models, thereby enhancing the collective mastery of tier-two and tier-three operators.

Empowering Telcos for value creation

Stephen Rose, General Manager for Global Industries at IBM, emphasizes the transformative potential of AI in driving value creation for telecom operators. He underscores the importance of prioritizing initiatives that enable revenue generation over inward-looking operational efficiencies.

Rose elucidates that while operational optimization remains integral, the true essence of this initiative lies in leveraging AI to meet evolving customer expectations and drive growth across diverse industries. By embracing AI-enabled solutions, telcos can position themselves as catalysts for innovation and value delivery in the digital economy.

Closing the AI gap and fostering equitability

Addressing the widening gap in AI adoption between telecom operators and enterprises, Rose highlights the imperative of democratizing AI capabilities. He stresses the need for tier-two and tier-three operators to embrace collaborative learning and industry partnerships to bridge this gap effectively.

Furthermore, the initiative aims to mitigate disparities within the telecom landscape, particularly between established and emerging markets. By providing access to AI education and resources, IBM and the GSMA seek to foster equitability and empower all operators to thrive in an AI-driven ecosystem.

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