Initial Coin Offerings expanding to established companies in new industries

Many new blockchain applications beyond Bitcoin are moving into use.  NASDAQ has been using blockchain for years to complete and record private securities transactions.  More companies are also using blockchain cryptocurrencies in Initial Coin Offerings to raise funds.  An ICO launching on December 7 for Fortitude Ranch is not to fund new blockchain application (like the vast majority of ICOs to date), but to apply blockchain technology. The most important blockchain application at Fortitude Ranch is to keep their membership database absolutely secret.  Fortitude Ranch is a recreational and survival community.  The first rule of prepping is don’t tell anyone you’re a prepper.  When a disaster strikes, you do not want to be overwhelmed with neighbors or relatives begging for food and ammo, or besieging you to take them with you to your survival location. Many also are concerned about Big Government knowing they have survival capabilities.  Preppers prefer to keep the fact that they have survival plans and a “bug out” location secret. The security of blockchain is also vital for the membership database because it contains the authentication pass codes of members that must be transmitted to Fortitude Ranch locations daily over the Internet. Other blockchain applications at Fortitude Ranch include voting on new Fortitude Ranch locations and policy changes, and of course using the Ethereum blockchain for the issue of their new “Fortitude” cryptocurrency token.  The advance sale of Fortitude Ranch memberships will fund expansion from two existing sites to a dozen sites across the United States, and an international location.  Buying a Fortitude, gives you a discount price on Fortitude Ranch membership, protection from membership price increases, and priority in joining FR when there is a waiting list. The later feature of this token, priority to join when a wait list forms, is especially important, because in normal times, most people are not Preppers.  During a major crisis or media reports on developing threats, demand for membership in Fortitude Ranch will likely surge beyond capacity, and the price of Fortitudes may spike since those desperate to get in will need Fortitudes to have first place in line. We are “coining” the term “Initial MemberCoin Token,” IMO, rather than ICO, to emphasize that this is a utility token with no profit share or equity features that invite securities regulation problems. Pure utility tokens can avoid the securities regulatory risks of ICOs that do offer profit sharing. IMO Advisors include Charlie Shrem, a bitcoin pioneer and COO of Jaxx digital wallet, James Barry, a former IBM executive and blockchain expert, and Larry Hall, the CEO of Survival Condo, the most successful survival services company. Fortitude Ranch (FR) is a large survival community equipped to survive any type of disaster and long-term loss of law and order, managed by full time staff.  FR is affordable because of large numbers of members and economies of scale.  FR is especially attractive to join because it doubles as a recreation/vacation facility as well as a survival retreat.  Members can vacation, hunt, fish and recreate at FR’s forest and mountain locations in good times, and shelter at FR to survive a collapse. Unlike most ICOs for startup software development projects with low odds of success, FR is an established, market tested, proven company. There is no R&D or business development spending planned for funds raised from this advance sale of membership, just building out existing WV and CO sites, and expanding to new locations across the U.S. and overseas. Fortitude Ranch (FR) CEO is Dr. Drew Miller, a retired USAF Reserve Colonel and intelligence officer, with a Masters Degree and PhD from Harvard University.  Dr. Miller served in the Institute for Defense Analysis, the top DoD think tank, and in the Senior Executive Service in the Pentagon.  A former Vice President at Securities America, Drew is currently Managing Director of Blockchain Business Consultants and CEO of FR. Drew is a Certified Management Accountant, Certified Mergers & Acquisitions Advisor, and Certified Financial Planner. He has published articles and spoken at national conferences on major threats we face today including bioengineered viral pandemics. Details on Fortitude Ranch and their IMO, including videos and White Paper, are available at

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