Jack Dorsey’s Concept of Web5: How Does it Evolve from Web3?

As society continues to experience technological disruptions, our way of working, interacting, and earning is constantly evolving. The digital economy has been instrumental in expanding our ability to create usable and accessible products, with the internet standing out as a remarkable testament to human ingenuity in the modern era. From its inception, the internet has undergone significant developmental changes, propelling it to its current state.

Interestingly, even as we find ourselves in the early stages of Web3 development, Jack Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, has introduced the concept of Web 5.0. He envisions an “ultra decentralized” version of the internet, which will follow a similar trajectory as Web3 but possess unique characteristics distinguishing it from its predecessors.

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Now, you may be wondering what exactly Web 5.0 is and how it differs from Web 3.0. Allow us to provide you with the answers. Those who are already familiar with Web3 will quickly grasp the concepts of Web5. However, for those who are unaware of Web 3.0, we will now attempt to explain it in order to establish a better understanding of the concepts behind Web5.

The evolution of the Internet was not an overnight occurrence; it required decades of relentless efforts to shape it into the vast interconnected network we know today. Before delving into the concept of Web 5.0, it is crucial to understand the journey of this evolution.

Web 1.0: Web 1.0 marked the rudimentary structure of the Internet. It involved a limited number of individuals creating web pages filled with information. This early version of the Internet was commonly referred to as “read-only” since users could only consume the data presented to them. There was no provision for modifications, additions, or information exchange among users.

Web 2.0: is often referred to as the social web, as it unleashed the power of social media and interactivity. It allowed creators to showcase their talents and express their creativity on the web. However, Web 2.0 also brought about its own set of challenges, indicating the need for an upgrade. In this iteration, control over data resides predominantly with a few tech giants, who wielded authority over the flow of web data. This concentration of power raised concerns about user privacy in our socially active society.

Web 3.0: With the emergence of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, experts recognized the significance of decentralization. This realization fueled the desire to build a fully decentralized, user-centric, and independent Internet. Through continuous efforts, the foundation of Web 3.0, also known as the decentralized web, began to take shape.

Web 4.0: Web 4.0 hovers as a speculative concept without a defined structure or form, intriguingly looming over our collective consciousness. While we are undoubtedly moving towards this iteration of the Internet, it is challenging to make definitive claims about it. No official name or standards have been announced, leaving us with mere hints and conjectures. 

However, the notion of Web 4.0 revolves around the “active web,” which highlights human-robot interactions. In this version, humans will engage with machines in a manner akin to human-to-human communication. Decentralization will enhance transparency, enabling traceability of all transactions and activities.

With the advent of Web 4.0, humans and robots will cultivate a unique symbiotic relationship. Virtual assistants will possess an innate understanding of both spoken and written natural language, enabling seamless communication akin to interacting with real human assistants. Web 4.0 will facilitate advanced iterations of voice assistance and foster flexible communication between humans and machines/robots. Data accuracy, reliability, and swift processing will serve as pillars supporting the expansion of Web 4.0.

Web 5.0: Web 5.0, the highly anticipated forthcoming iteration of the World Wide Web, aims to revolutionize the development of decentralized web apps (DWAs) by providing programmers with enhanced tools and functionalities. A key objective of Web 5.0 is to enable the use of independently verifiable credentials and decentralize web nodes, moving away from centralized control. 

Unlike the current system, where intermediaries wield authority over identifiers, Web 5.0 adopts a decentralized identifier system to restore control and ownership of data to individuals and entities.

What is Web5?

Web 5.0, also known as Internet 5.0, aims to establish an advanced web ecosystem that surpasses its predecessors in terms of operational paradigms. It serves as a breeding ground for the convergence of decentralization, blockchain, AI, IoT, and cryptocurrencies in their purest forms. The primary objective of Web 5.0 is to empower developers in building decentralized applications (DApps) with verifiable credentials and decentralized nodes. This ambitious endeavor seeks to shift ownership away from a select few industrial giants and place it back into the hands of users.

By combining the strengths of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, Web 5.0 places a strong emphasis on constructing a network of interconnected websites that are not only intelligent but also emotionally attuned. This initiative aims to foster an emotional understanding between humans and machines. The central concept revolves around independence and control, enabling interactive operations that prioritize user engagement and satisfaction.

Web5 will empower users with full ownership of their data, granting them the freedom to utilize, exchange, and even earn from it. A core focus of Web5 will be to safeguard data privacy, preventing business entities from exploiting users’ personal information. Unlike the current version of the Internet, which lacks emotional intelligence, Web4 aims to establish connections between computers and machines. However, with the advent of Web5, a transformative shift in this paradigm can be anticipated.

While the current web serves as a platform for universal information exchange, it lacks a crucial layer. There is a need to address this missing component in order to enhance the capabilities of the web.

“We struggle to secure personal data with hundreds of accounts and passwords we can’t remember. On the web today, identity and personal data have become the property of third parties.” ~ TBD Web5 Website

Jack Dorsey has urged individuals to be mindful of the developments taking place in the new era of Web3. He has expressed concerns about the lack of transparency in ownership and management within Web3.

Addressing these very issues, Web5 aims to provide solutions. The core idea behind Web5 is to decentralize our data in a secure and trustworthy manner, while simultaneously enhancing its usability.

In a TED talk back in 2009, Tim Berners-Lee referred to Web5 as the “emotional web.” He envisioned a system where users could create digital identities and have full control over their data. Furthermore, users would have the ability to monetize their data if they so desired. This vision encapsulates the essence of Web5’s objective to empower individuals and enable them to exercise complete control over their personal information.

How will Web 5.0 operate? 

In the realm of Web 5.0, virtual assistants will possess the ability to anticipate user needs by observing their behavior, emotions, and other human aspects. They will possess the capacity to accurately discern user requirements, even when explicit commands are not provided through specific keywords. Web 5.0 essentially represents an advanced iteration of predictive virtual assistants. This enhanced version of the web will be capable of comprehending various data elements at more intricate levels, leading to conclusions that involve human logic and emotions.

Notably, in Dorsey’s vision of Web 5.0, the focus will be primarily on meeting the needs of users. Users will take center stage in this ecosystem, with the aim of delivering a wholly unique and personalized experience to each individual. Interactions will vary from person to person, based on the system’s recognition of emotions and the corresponding generation of appropriate responses.

Web 5.0 will foster a symbiotic relationship among technological resources, the web, and humans. The goal will be to establish a system that caters to users’ daily requirements by actively engaging with machines. This integration will occur when the web becomes seamlessly intertwined with users’ everyday lives. Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) enable computers to communicate in a manner resembling human speech. This innovation allows computers to reason, consider options, and respond to user input. Therefore, with the integration of AI, blockchain, and IoT, Web 5.0 holds the potential to revolutionize global dynamics, although the exact extent of this revolution remains speculative.

Web3 vs. Web5 Comparison 

When comparing Web3 and Web5, we find that both share a common vision, but each possesses its distinctive features. Web3 applications are often characterized as smart contracts deployed on public blockchains such as Ethereum. Many people refer to these applications as decentralized applications (DApps), as their underlying code resides on a decentralized network built on blockchain technology.

In contrast, Web5 encompasses decentralized web applications (DWAs) that are not necessarily based on blockchain technology. However, DWAs can still communicate with Decentralized Web Nodes (DWNs). This creates a peer-to-peer relaying network that operates independently of any public blockchain.

Web5 grants users control over their data, which can be stored on Decentralized Web Nodes (DWNs). On the other hand, Web3 stores data on a decentralized network or a distributed file system like IPFS, which is capable of distributing and storing data within a peer-to-peer network system.

Key Features of Web 5.0

A discussion on Web 5.0 would be incomplete without exploring its features and how they offer improvements. However, it’s important to note that Web5 is still in the development stage, which means there is limited clarity on its features. Nevertheless, users can expect a wide range of features once the platform is fully developed and implemented. There are two significant features that stand out in the definition of Web 5.0: control over identity and true ownership of data.

Control over Your Identity: One of the prime use cases of Web 5.0 revolves around empowering users with control over their identity. For example, consider John, who has a digital wallet that helps him manage authorizations, identity credentials, and data for connecting with various apps and external services. 

With this wallet, John can seamlessly sign in to a decentralized social media app without having to create a new profile. The app recognizes John’s identity, and any interactions he has with the app are stored on a decentralized web node. John can then switch to other social media apps, carrying his social persona created on the initial app.

Data Ownership: Another significant aspect of Web 5.0 is data ownership. While the promise of true ownership of user data was implied in decentralized web models, concerns about centralization still persist. Web 5.0 aims to empower users by ensuring they have full ownership over their data. 

For example, let’s consider Ryan, who enjoys movies but doesn’t want his personal data locked with a single streaming service provider. In a Web 5.0 scenario, Ryan can store his preferences and settings on a decentralized web node. This enables him to access his preferences and settings across different streaming apps, providing a seamless and personalized movie-watching experience on various platforms.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Web 5.0

Web 5.0 is currently in the development phase, and it will take some time before real-life use cases become familiar to the world. Despite this, it’s natural to speculate about the potential benefits it can bring to users. However, it’s equally important to acknowledge the drawbacks that may impact user experiences. Here is an overview of the notable advantages and drawbacks of the Web 5.0 platform.


Expanding Creativity: The emotional intelligence aspect of Web 5.0 can provide an ideal platform for users to enhance their creativity.

Enhanced Ecommerce Communication: The ecommerce sector can leverage the emotional intelligence element of Web 5.0 to develop infrastructure for real-time communication with users. By interpreting user emotions, ecommerce can improve user experiences and add value.

Control over Identity and Data: A significant advantage of Web 5.0 is the ability to maintain complete control over one’s own identity and data. Unlike existing centralized web versions, Web 5.0 enables users to have sovereignty over their data and decide how to utilize it. Users can securely utilize their digital identity across multiple applications and services.

Security Inspired by Bitcoin: The foundations of Web 5.0 draw inspiration from Bitcoin, which is considered the most secure decentralized network. Web 5.0 aims to offer the benefits of decentralization and cryptographic security through the use of blockchain technology.


Ongoing Development: Web 5.0 is still a project in development, and the final outcome and shape of the project remain uncertain. This introduces an element of unpredictability and potential challenges.

Adoption Dependency: The benefits of Web 5.0 heavily depend on widespread adoption. For the platform to realize its full potential, it requires significant uptake and acceptance by users.

While Web 5.0 presents credible advantages, it is important to consider these factors and the ongoing evolution of the platform as it progresses toward implementation.


Web5 holds immense promise as the next frontier in the evolution of the World Wide Web. While still under development, the vision and potential of Web5 are captivating. With its focus on user empowerment, control over identity and data, emotional intelligence, enhanced communication in e-commerce, and the security offered by blockchain technology, Web5 aims to revolutionize our online experiences. 

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that Web5’s success will depend on widespread adoption and the ability to address challenges during its development. As we eagerly await the realization of Web5, we anticipate a new era of the web that prioritizes user-centricity, privacy, and seamless interactions, ultimately transforming how we navigate and engage with the digital world.

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