Japanese power giant TEPCO explores ‘green’ Bitcoin mining: Report

The company aims to prevent wasted renewable energy through curtailment and promote the widespread use of Bitcoin mining.

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A subsidiary of the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) is reportedly venturing into Bitcoin mining as part of an endeavor to save wasted renewable energy.

The Tokyo-based TEPCO subsidiary Agile Energy X is experimenting with harnessing waste solar energy to power Bitcoin (BTC) mining rigs, with its president, Kenji Tateiwa, claiming its success “would prompt more green energy to be introduced,” local outlet Asahi Shimbun reported on Sept. 8. 

He added the inspiration for the concept came from Japanese “output control” practices where renewable energy production is sometimes curtailed — a deliberate output reduction below what could have been produced to balance supply and demand or align with transmission constraints.

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