Kamala-Trump debate is embarrassing for America

Yesterday’s debate between presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was a disaster. They didn’t address most of the major issues the country faces, and when they did, it was shallow at best.

The fact that neither candidate had anything worthwhile to say on economic policy stood out, especially with Trump making bizarre statements like “immigrants eat cats and dogs.”

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Even more frustrating, the crypto community was completely ignored.  Kamala came out looking better in the public’s eyes, with Trump appearing rattled by her remarks.

Betting sites adjusted their odds, swinging in her favor right after the debate. But honestly, neither candidate seems ready to lead.

Immigration policy? What immigration policy?

Let’s start with immigration. It’s a massive issue right now, with the Congressional Budget Office estimating that 3.3 million people will immigrate to the US in 2024 alone. 

That surge is expected to add $8.9 trillion to the economy and generate $1.2 trillion in federal tax revenue from 2024 to 2034. That could help lower the federal deficit by $900 billion during the same period. 

On top of that, immigrants have already been responsible for around 100,000 new jobs per month in 2023, with similar trends continuing in 2024.


There’s a housing crisis, social services are being stretched thin, and we’ve got zero guidance on how either candidate plans to manage the situation.

It was a huge missed opportunity to talk about the future of immigration and its effect on the economy.

Climate change got ghosted again

Oh climate change? Yeah that’s another issue that was completely dodged. Since 2020, the US has seen a 30% increase in climate-related disasters, costing over $300 billion annually. 

The IPCC reports keep warning about the damage we’re doing to the planet, yet neither Kamala nor Trump laid out any meaningful plan to fight climate change. 

Renewable energy? Carbon emissions? Environmental justice? Nothing. The silence was ridiculous. Ignoring these issues is just making it worse for everyone, but you wouldn’t know that from watching the debate.

Then there’s healthcare. Nearly 30 million Americans are still uninsured, and out-of-pocket costs are skyrocketing. Prescription drug prices have gone up by 25% since 2020.

Up First briefing: Trump-Harris debate; Taylor Swift endorses Harris : NPR

Did they address any of this? Not really. They mentioned healthcare but didn’t go deep into the specifics that matter, like expanding coverage or lowering drug costs. Keep in mind that polls show 70% of Americans want healthcare reform.

Economic inequality was another big topic they failed to address properly. The wealthiest 10% of Americans control nearly 70% of the nation’s wealth, while the bottom 50% hold less than 2%.

Labor strikes are happening all over the country, with over 300 major strikes reported in 2024 alone. 

Did either Kamala or Trump have a solid stance on workers’ rights, union support, or raising the minimum wage? No. Another huge issue was left hanging.

Foreign policy was shallow – National debt crisis ignored

Foreign policy wasn’t much better. Sure, they talked about Israel and Iran, but what about China? Trade tensions with China have been escalating, and if unresolved, could cost the US economy $600 billion annually.

They also skipped over global health issues. COVID-19 still has lingering effects, with more than 1 billion people worldwide still unvaccinated.

The US national debt has now surpassed $35 trillion. That’s about $105,000 for every single person in the country.

Interest payments alone were around $659 billion in 2023 and are expected to jump to $870 billion this year, making up about 14% of federal spending. 

The Congressional Budget Office projects the federal debt will climb from 99% of GDP in 2024 to 116% by 2034, and it could hit 172% of GDP by 2054.

Yet, despite this mountain of debt, the debate ignored what is arguably one of the most pressing fiscal issues facing the country.

Post-debate polling changes

After the debate, polling switched in Kamala’ favor. A CNN poll showed 63% of viewers believed Kamala outperformed Trump, with only 37% siding with Trump. Before the debate, the race was tighter. 

A New York Times/Siena College poll had Trump leading Kamala by a slim 48% to 47% margin among likely voters. But the post-debate opinion seemed to lean toward Kamala.


Interestingly, 28% of people said they needed to learn more about Kamala, while only 9% said the same about Trump. That means she had more to gain or lose in this debate.

While some voters leaned toward Kamala afterward, the overall situation didn’t change much for Trump supporters.

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Taylor Swift

To top things off, Taylor Swift officially endorsed Kamala right after the debate. Swift took to Instagram, calling Kamala a “steady-handed leader” and encouraged her fans to vote for Kamala in the upcoming election.

Swift’s endorsement comes after AI-generated images falsely showed her supporting Trump, which obviously creeped her out. Her fans, the “Swifties,” have already started mobilizing, raising over $122,000 to support Kamala.

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