Lessons from NASA’s Mars Rovers in Bridging AI and Humanity

In the era of AI’s exponential growth, concerns about its ethical implications have surged. From apocalyptic visions of killer robots to fears of job displacement, the narrative has often centered on the “replacement myth.” However, a sociologist embedded with NASA’s robotic spacecraft teams offers a different perspective—one of collaboration and partnership between humans and machines, exemplified by AI-equipped rovers exploring the Martian surface.

Dispelling the replacement myth in AI

The prevailing notion of AI replacing humans is a pervasive narrative, accompanied by promises of increased efficiency, profit margins, and leisure time. Yet, empirical evidence contradicts this belief, revealing that automation often amplifies inequality by eliminating low-status jobs while raising the salary costs for high-status workers who remain. Moreover, productivity tools have driven employees to work more, not less.

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An alternative to complete replacement is “mixed autonomy” systems, where humans and robots collaborate within the same environment, influencing each other’s actions. However, this approach can lead to a scenario where humans perform “ghost work”—mindless, repetitive tasks that AI is expected to render obsolete.

The ethical concerns of replacement

Replacing humans with AI raises significant ethical issues. Tasks such as content tagging for AI training or content moderation often involve traumatic work conditions and underpaid labor, particularly in the Global South. Furthermore, autonomous vehicles grapple with the ethical “trolley problem”—determining when it is morally acceptable to prioritize one life over another.

The author’s research with NASA’s robotic spacecraft teams reveals a paradigm shift: humans and robots collaborate to extend and augment each other’s capabilities, rather than seeking outright replacement. Engineers design machines to perform tasks that are physically perilous for humans, such as minesweeping, search-and-rescue missions, spacewalks, and deep-sea exploration. This teamwork leverages the unique strengths of both humans and robots.

Robots possess capabilities that humans lack, such as the ability to “see” wavelengths of light in the infrared spectrum. Engineers outfit Mars rovers with these sensors, enabling them to provide invaluable insights about the Martian terrain. However, the AI onboard these rovers cannot generate scientific discoveries independently; it requires the synthesis of sensor data and expert analysis by human scientists.

Respectful data usage

Another pressing AI ethical concern is data harvesting and utilization. Generative AI often trains on artists’ and writers’ work without consent, leading to issues of intellectual property. Commercial datasets frequently harbor biases, and AI models like ChatGPT may produce inaccurate or biased responses.

In contrast, robotic systems on Mars rely on visual and distance data to navigate and conduct experiments. By focusing on the physical environment rather than social data, these systems sidestep the ethical dilemmas of surveillance, bias, and exploitation that afflict AI in our daily lives.

The ethics of care: A human-machine bond

Machines can evoke human emotions, fostering a sense of care and responsibility. Soldiers mourn drones lost in battle, and families personalize their robotic vacuums. NASA engineers were emotionally invested in the Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, showing genuine concern when these machines faced threats from Martian dust storms.

This form of emotional connection goes beyond mere anthropomorphism; it is rooted in daily interactions, shared accomplishments, and a mutual sense of responsibility. When machines inspire care, they enhance rather than undermine the qualities that make us human.

A path to a better AI

In industries where AI could potentially replace workers, a shift in perspective is essential. Instead of viewing AI as a replacement, it should be seen as a collaborator, enhancing human capabilities. Scriptwriters, artists, and software developers can benefit from AI tools that aid in research, creativity, and error detection. Rejecting the replacement narrative doesn’t eliminate all ethical concerns, but it transforms the conversation about livelihood, agency, and bias.

The replacement myth is just one of many possible futures for AI and society. Human-machine teams, both in space exploration and on Earth, offer a more ethical vision of AI’s role. By embracing collaboration and partnership, we can navigate the evolving landscape of AI while preserving the essence of what makes us uniquely human.

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