Major crypto scam is being investigated by authorities in Himachal Pradesh

In a significant crackdown on high-profile cryptocurrency fraud, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) in Himachal Pradesh has made substantial headway, detaining eight individuals, including four police officers, in connection with a colossal Rs 2,500 crore ($300.45 million) scam that has been unraveling since 2018.

Ongoing investigation yields more arrests

The SIT’s relentless pursuit of justice in the sprawling cryptocurrency scam has led to a recent series of arrests. The investigation, which has gained momentum in recent weeks, has now seen 8 individuals apprehended, with the latest detentions bringing in a diverse group of suspects, ranging from law enforcement officials to a forest guard.

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Among the accused are Naresh Kumar of Hamirpur, Sunil Kumar, who served as a Jail Warder at Bangarh jail, Jyoti, a lady constable posted at Hamirpur, and Balbir Singh, a police personnel stationed at Kanda Jail in Shimla. Ram Kumar Rana, fulfilling his duties as a forest guard in Sunjanpur Tihra, alongside civilians Kirshan Dutt from Hamirpur, Neel Dhiman from Baddi, and Gurdeep from Solan, also find themselves entangled in the legal net cast by the SIT.

In addition to these arrests, the SIT recently took into custody one Abhishek, a resident of the Una district, believed to be the mastermind behind the operation that duped over 1 lakh individuals. The vast scale of the scam has resonated deeply, affecting not just private citizens but also over 5,000 government employees, including police officers who have suffered financial losses.

The deep impact of the crypto scam

The case has sent shockwaves through Himachal Pradesh, leaving in its wake over 1 lakh victims defrauded by the promise of lucrative returns on cryptocurrency investments. The scam, which promised substantial profits, drew in a vast number of people, including a significant number of government employees. The size and scale of the fraud have caused not only widespread personal financial distress but also significant embarrassment to the State Government.

Director General of Police Abhishek Dullar, leading the SIT, has taken the accused into five days of police remand to further probe the depths of the complex case. During interactions with the media, DIG Dullar emphasized the team’s determination to continue the investigation aggressively to identify and apprehend all individuals associated with the scam.

As the investigation deepens, the SIT has expressed concerns that a considerable sum, amounting to Rs 500 crores, may be irretrievable, dealing a harsh blow to the victims who had placed their hard-earned money into what they believed were viable investments.

Collaborative efforts and a warning to investors

In their quest to dismantle the scam network, the Himachal Pradesh police are working closely with the Punjab Police. They have received assurances of full support from the Union Home Ministry, reinforcing their resolve to ensure that those responsible face stringent legal consequences.

The sweeping 2018 cryptocurrency scam stands as a stark cautionary tale for investors and crypto traders across India. The authorities have underscored the need for heightened awareness and due diligence among potential investors. In light of the scam, police, and regulatory bodies are urging the public to conduct comprehensive research and exercise great caution before investing in any companies or platforms offering cryptocurrency investment opportunities.

As the Himachal Pradesh cryptocurrency scam continues to unfold, it serves as a potent reminder of the volatile and often unregulated nature of crypto markets. This high-profile case may well prompt a reevaluation of cryptocurrency regulations and investment practices in India. As the SIT continues its diligent work, the people of Himachal Pradesh and beyond watch closely, hopeful for justice and a return on their investments.


The ongoing cryptocurrency scam investigation in Himachal Pradesh exposes the risks inherent in unregulated investment spaces. The actions taken by authorities, resulting in a significant number of arrests, underscore the need for greater regulatory oversight in the crypto domain. While the investigation progresses, the potential loss of funds stands as a cautionary tale for investors, signaling the importance of diligence and the need for enhanced investor protection mechanisms in the burgeoning world of cryptocurrency.

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