Meta Pays Celebrities $5 Million for AI Chatbot Likenesses

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, is making headlines by paying top celebrities hefty sums for their likenesses to be used in its AI chatbots. According to a report by The Information, Meta has engaged celebrities like Kendall Jenner and MrBeast to lend their faces and personalities to its AI assistant feature. These celebrities are being paid as much as $5 million for a mere six hours of work in a studio. The move aims to create AI chatbots with distinct personalities and appearances, catering to a wide range of users.

Meta’s celebrity AI assistants

Meta unveiled its AI assistant feature recently, showcasing chatbots with different personalities portrayed by well-known celebrities. Some of the notable stars include Kendall Jenner and MrBeast. Each celebrity AI assistant has a unique persona and provides users with personalized experiences.

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– Kendall Jenner as Billie: Kendall Jenner’s likeness is used for Billie, who is depicted as a big sister figure, offering advice and guidance to users.

– Tom Brady as Bru: Tom Brady portrays Bru, a sports-focused chatbot designed for discussing and debating sports-related topics.

Meta has also brought on board other influential creators, including the most-subscribed individual on YouTube, MrBeast, and TikTok sensation Charli D’Amelio.

The generous pay for celebrity likenesses

The Information’s report highlights that Meta was initially willing to pay over $1 million to utilize these stars’ likenesses. However, the company eventually offered even more substantial sums to secure the involvement of well-known celebrities. While the report does not specify which individual received the staggering $5 million payment, it suggests that multiple creators were compensated generously for their contributions.

The AI assistants and their capabilities

Currently, Meta’s AI assistants are text-based, but the company’s announcement video featured clips of the celebrities speaking as their AI counterparts. This feature offers a glimpse into the potential for these AI chatbots to interact with users using the celebrities’ actual voices and expressions.

In an interview with The Verge, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, expressed the significance of AI versions of celebrities. He noted that this development is expected to be more prominent in the following year, primarily due to concerns related to brand safety. Celebrities want to ensure that their images are not used to make problematic or controversial statements, making it essential for Meta to maintain a level of control and responsibility over the AI assistants’ behavior.

Challenges and controversies

While Meta’s foray into celebrity-driven AI chatbots has garnered attention and excitement, it has not been without its challenges and controversies. The company simultaneously launched AI stickers, a feature that has faced criticism. Users have managed to generate unexpected and inappropriate images, including depictions of a child soldier and lewd images of public figures like Justin Trudeau.

Meta has not yet responded to requests for comments regarding these concerns.

Meta’s decision to pay celebrities such substantial amounts for their likeness in AI chatbots showcases the company’s commitment to diversifying its offerings and enhancing user experiences. The utilization of celebrities’ personas and voices in AI assistants adds a new dimension to the technology and demonstrates the potential for more personalized interactions in the future.

While the $5 million payments may raise eyebrows, they reflect Meta’s willingness to invest in cutting-edge technologies and engage top talent to push the boundaries of AI development. However, the company also faces challenges related to ensuring responsible use of AI and addressing potential controversies, as demonstrated by the issues with AI stickers.

As Meta continues to expand its AI ecosystem, users can anticipate more exciting developments in the realm of AI-driven virtual assistants and the incorporation of familiar celebrity faces into their digital interactions.

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