Millennials Are 43% of U.S. Freelancers and 57% of U.S. Crypto Owners; Do Cryptos Provide Them With A Competitive Advantage?

The future of work is the gig economy. This is because most of the workforce (millennials) are attracted to freelancing. Millennials represent the majority of the United States workforce (43%). By 2025, they could represent 75% of the workforce.

This group of workers wants to earn instantly after completing a job and not wait weeks. It’s therefore not surprising that more of them are diving into the crypto frontier and choosing to be compensated, fully or partially, in crypto — 57% of U.S. crypto owners are millennials. 

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Businesses and clients that have implemented systems to pay this group of freelancers in cryptos are benefiting from a significant competitive edge. But how do cryptos provide freelancers with a competitive advantage?

Benefits Of Cryptos To Millennials In The Gig Economy

Three critical benefits specifically apply to millennials in the gig economy and the businesses that recruit their services.  

1. Speed of Payment

Freelancing involves receiving compensation for services rendered. In 2023, the freelance market is worth around $500 billion. However, freelancers generally have one major complaint – payment processing speed.

A key benefit of adopting cryptos, such as Conflux (CFX), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), etc., is the ability to significantly reduce the final settlement time for payment remittance, particularly for cross-border payments.

With traditional payment channels, millennials may need to also deal with wire transfers and currency conversion fees. But accepting payments in cryptos will save millennials and clients money and time.

2. Reduced Fees

Another pressing issue in the gig economy that can be resolved using cryptos is the fee reduction related to sending and receiving payment for services. 

Payment processors charge billions of dollars in fees for debited transactions from the gig economy. Shifting the payments infrastructure to cryptos and blockchain technology can result in significant cost savings and eliminate intermediaries.

3. The Technology Involved Is Not Complex

There are only a few technology requirements for gig economy employees to receive payments in cryptos. A smartphone and digital wallet are all they require. Also, several services are emerging to help organizations integrate a crypto payment infrastructure into their operations.

A Web3 Solution To Give Millennial Freelancers A Boost

Uwerx is a revolutionary blockchain project that aims to transform the gig economy,  allowing freelancers to benefit from the advantages of blockchain technology. Unlike centralized marketplaces, Uwerx will deliver smart contract capability, decentralization, enhanced trust and security, and lower fees.

The platform aims to improve freelancers’ and enterprises’ efficiency and user experience, with integrated collaboration tools, personalized matching capabilities, transparent pricing, and dispute resolution tools. 

Uwerx will also allow freelancers to earn in crypto. The Uwerx team has launched its ICO to attract global investors, funding, and liquidity for the project’s sustainability. The project will sell 300,000,000 tokens of its native WERX token (representing 40% of the total supply) across multiple presale rounds starting at $0.0225/WERX. 

Uwerx has already obtained audit approval from InterFi Network and SolidProof to ensure the maximum security of the project. Going the extra mile to reassure investors of the safety of their funds, the Uwerx team will renounce smart contract ownership of the project when taxes reach zero. They will also will establish a 25-year locking period on developers’ liquidity tokens after presale to eliminate any chances of a rug pull.

Uwerx is set to pump by 19,900% from its presale price to reach $1 in Q3-Q4 2023, offering millennial freelancers a chance to potentially earn massive profits in the future. To join the Uwerx presale, follow the links below.





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