Most People Would Rather Speak to Real Person Than AI Chatbots, Survey Finds

Despite the growing usage of generative AI, it appears that many people still prefer human interactions over AI chatbots.

A survey of 7,000 people in the UK, US, Germany, Australia and Mexico, conducted by Delineate and Vixen Labs, showed that many consumers use AI-powered virtual assistants to perform certain day-to-day choices, including browsing for terms. 

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Up to 60% of the respondents use voice assistants to search for terms around music, weather, and news. However, these tools haven’t earned enough trust from users, especially in the UK, despite experiencing rapid growth and development. 

According to the findings, 48% of the UK respondents do not trust AI chatbots to help them in their daily lives. The majority of them (74%) said they prefer to speak to a real person. 

The Limitations of AI Chatbots

The report tallies with a recent survey, where 40.4% of Americans believed that AI-driven customer service has made their experiences worse.

One of the primary reasons for this frustration lies in the very core of chatbot design: limited data and pre-defined responses. 

Trained on datasets that often lack the depth and variety of real-world language, these bots are unable to grasp the subtle nuances of human communication. They may recognize keywords but fail to understand the context, intent, and emotions behind the words, leading to misinterpretations and irrelevant responses.

This lack of contextual understanding creates a frustrating experience for customers. Imagine describing a complex issue to a chatbot, only to receive a generic response that bears no resemblance to your specific concern. Repeatedly navigating through menus and repeating keywords, all while feeling unheard and misunderstood, can quickly erode customer patience and trust.

Privacy is also a concern for users. The survey further showed that 53% are concerned about the privacy of their data when using chatbots.

Will Customer Ever Be Comfortable Using AI Chatbots?

The founder of Delineate, James Turner, said generative AI is currently not perfect but could be improved to add immense value to the day-to-day lives of users. 

“Is generative AI perfect? Absolutely not. But it would be foolish to try and pretend it won’t change our lives and have an impact on how consumers make even the smallest of day-to-day choices. That’s a hugely powerful thing for organisations to comprehend.

“[…] Brands need to tap into the moments where consumers are comfortable using AI and show them how technology can add value to their days,” said Turner. 

As users become increasingly sophisticated in their interactions with technology, they will demand more from their AI chatbots and every other form of virtual assistant. The future of chatbots lies in overcoming their current limitations, moving past the canned responses and providing a more human-like experience.

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