NBA playoffs to feature Coinbase’s new $15 million campaign

U.S. cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase is allegedly launching a nationwide mega ad campaign. The company will use $15 million for the TV ads that will air during the NBA playoffs, which are expected to kick off on Wednesday.

Coinbase ads highlight banking flaws with Pizza

The campaign consists of two separate commercials: one 30-second video and the other 60 seconds. These commercial ads will be featured on four major channels: ESPN, ESPN2, TNT, and ABC. The sole purpose of these ads Is to build awareness among the crypto market on sports fans. By implementing a strangulate storyline involving pizza, Coinbase seeks to clarify the complexity generally found in traditional payment systems.

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The commercial used the analogy of a pizza undergoing tests and approval, as in the case of a regular bank transaction. The goal is to clarify the complications and charges associated with conventional banking and credit card utilization. The ads will air until June 9, during which time they will receive heavy coverage.

What is the core message of this ad?

The main visual is the pizza, symbolizing funds traveling the arteries passing through today’s financial systems. The analogy of the pizza moving through the various stages and getting all those ‘bites’ by players representing the financial middlemen becomes a poignant symbol here. The art here is used to show the commission taken in each phase of a normal transaction.

In the final scene, the pizza is delivered to a door with a ‘surcharge’ signage on it, which is a typical extra charge that comes with using credit card transactions. Another message follows from the delivery guy, who emphasizes the need for an updated system that is better, faster, and convenient. Perhaps through the cryptocurrency alternative, such a system should be the order of the day. The second part of the ad highlights the effectiveness and direct influence of crypto transactions on their traditional ways.

Business philosophy and further goals

Coinbase Chief Policy Officer Faryar Shirzad and VP of Engineering have both stated their objectives for the next set of commercials. They observed frequent beliefs among users that instant transactions occur through e-payments, such as credit card or Venmo applications. Nevertheless, these are an intricate part of a complex system that operates seamlessly with the digital interface considered as a whole.

While cryptocurrency transactions are known for their simplicity, Coinbase’s contrast helps to frame it as a leader in finance going forward. It underlines the value of consumers having their financial interactions without intermediaries as necessary, so transactions take place as quickly as the internet. Through this campaign, Coinbase keeps up with the improvement of public knowledge of how cryptocurrencies can work as a more convenient in the 21-st century alternative to traditional ways of money management.

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