Nina Schick, AI Luminary, to Headline Disrupt 2024

In a significant announcement, Sabio Group has confirmed Nina Schick as the keynote speaker for its flagship event, Disrupt 2024, in the UK. Schick, renowned for her expertise in generative artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications on society and business, is set to offer her insights into the evolving landscape of customer experience (CX) driven by AI innovations.

Schick’s vision for AI in customer engagement

Nina Schick’s reputation as a geopolitical advisor in the House of Commons and her subsequent rise as an author, entrepreneur, and global speaker specializing in the societal and business impacts of emerging technologies, positions her uniquely for this role. She will educate the delegates on leveraging AI to revolutionize CX, offering a vision that combines technological advancement with ethical considerations.

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Craig Pumfrey, VP of Marketing at Sabio Group, expressed excitement about Schick’s participation, noting her ability to inspire and challenge current perspectives on AI. Pumfrey anticipates that her expertise will provide attendees with a deeper understanding of AI’s potential to reshape customer engagement strategies.

The road to disrupt 2024

Sabio’s choice of Schick as the keynote speaker aligns with the event’s tradition of hosting leading minds in digital transformation. Disrupt 2024, set to be held at the Brewery in London on March 5th, aims to explore the impact of emerging technologies like AI on CX.

The conference, known for attracting a diverse range of speakers and delegates from the digital transformation sphere, will delve into various critical CX topics. These include data analytics, CRM, and the latest trends in AI. Stuart Dorman, Sabio’s Chief Innovation Officer, highlighted Schick’s role in guiding attendees on harnessing AI for transforming customer experiences.

A comprehensive agenda at disrupt 2024

With over 15 sessions, 25 speakers, and more than 500 delegates, Disrupt 2024 is poised to cover pivotal topics in CX. The event will feature diverse segments, including case studies from Sabio clients, discussions on enhancing productive conversations across communication channels, and a panel on engaging customers with frontline stories.

Nina Schick’s addition as a keynote speaker underscores the event’s focus on thought leadership and innovation in AI and CX. Her best-selling book, “Deepfakes: The Coming Infocalypse,” which examines the societal risks of synthetic media, along with her experience advising leading companies in the AI space, lends credence to her anticipated address.

In her remarks about the upcoming event, Schick emphasized the importance of platforms like Disrupt in fostering dialogues crucial for the ethical development of AI. She expressed eagerness to engage with innovators driving the AI revolution and to discuss strategies for leveraging technology to enhance customer experiences globally.

Disrupt 2024, with its commitment to showcasing the forefront of AI in CX, is set to offer a platform for exchange and learning. Nina Schick’s participation as the keynote speaker promises to add a layer of depth and insight to the discussions, shaping the dialogue on the future of AI in customer engagement.

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