Nocturne Unveils Private Account Protocol on Ethereum Mainnet

In a significant development for privacy in the blockchain space, Nocturne has launched the first mainnet version of its protocol, designed to enable private accounts on Ethereum. This innovative protocol aims to revolutionize the way users interact with Ethereum, offering enhanced privacy and security features.

Revolutionizing privacy with stealth addresses

Nocturne’s protocol is a groundbreaking solution that allows users to deposit or receive funds privately using what Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin refers to as stealth addresses. These addresses enable users to maintain anonymity and privacy in their transactions, a feature that has been much sought after in the cryptocurrency world.

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The protocol works by allowing users to generate a secret spending and viewing key. These keys can then be used to create multiple meta-addresses for interacting with other accounts, ensuring that the user’s identity and transaction details remain confidential. The system of stealth addresses and secret keys places Nocturne at the forefront of privacy-focused solutions in the blockchain industry.

Compatibility with DeFi protocols and plans

One of the key features of Nocturne’s smart accounts is their compatibility with DeFi protocols that represent state via output tokens. It means that the protocol will initially be compatible with tokens that derive their value from a previous input, such as tokens where a user must deposit collateral to mint the token. Examples of such tokens include Uniswap liquidity tokens, Aave’s aTokens, and Compound’s cTokens.

Nocturne’s vision extends beyond its current capabilities. The company plans to expand smart account compatibility to arbitrary protocols using zero-knowledge technology. The technology can prove ownership of assets without revealing the details of the assets themselves, further enhancing the privacy and security of transactions on the Ethereum network.

Nocturne’s vision for embedded privacy

Luke Tchang, CEO and co-founder of Nocturne, emphasized in a press release that the company is moving beyond being just a privacy tool. He stated, “Privacy should be embedded at the account layer, and the v1 launch is the first step in making It possible.” Tchang’s vision is for Nocturne to ensure secure transactions for everyone, from individual users to large institutions, without exposing their financial history.

Users interested in experiencing Nocturne v1 can access it through a private vault user interface. Although the current version has limited capabilities, including deposits, transfers to burner addresses, and private swapping and staking, it marks a significant step towards comprehensive privacy in digital transactions.

Future versions of Nocturne are set to include a ‘proof-of-innocence’ protocol, which will allow transactions to be verified without revealing any information about the user’s identity. Additionally, the company plans to enhance the usability and functionality of Nocturne wallets by enabling compatibility with arbitrary smart contracts.


Nocturne’s launch on the Ethereum mainnet is a milestone in the quest for privacy and security in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. With its innovative approach to private transactions and plans for future expansion, Nocturne is poised to become a key player in the evolution of blockchain technology. As the protocol develops, it will be interesting to see how it shapes the landscape of private transactions and influences the broader Ethereum ecosystem.

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