OECD proposes new tax standards for crypto worldwide

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has introduced a new tax standard specifically targeting cryptocurrencies. As an international organization focused on creating guidelines for various global issues, the OECD’s standards are not mandatory but serve as a reference for regulators shaping domestic and international policies.

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A framework already exists for exchanging tax information among countries but the newly rolled-out Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) specifically addresses cryptocurrencies and aims to reduce potential tax evasion facilitated by these digital assets. The updated tax standard also includes amendments to the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), which was approved in 2014 to promote tax transparency regarding offshore financial accounts. The revisions to the CRS reflect the changing landscape of the digital economy and its impact on tax revenues worldwide.

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Mathias Cormann, the Secretary General of the OECD, emphasized the significance of the new international tax transparency standards, stating that they aim to strengthen efforts to combat tax evasion in a digitalized and globalized world economy. The CARF consists of three main components. First, it outlines rules for collecting relevant tax information, including the types of assets and entities involved in transactions. Second, it establishes a new multilateral authority responsible for enforcing these rules. Lastly, it introduces an electronic format (XML) for exchanging tax-related information among authorities.

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The second part of the report focuses on amendments to the CRS. Notably, it includes provisions related to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and introduces the term “Specified Electronic Money Product” to encompass digital representations of fiat currencies. The OECD’s framework underscores the importance of monitoring and properly taxing entities and individuals engaged in cryptocurrency activities. It recognizes various components associated with cryptocurrencies, such as wallets, exchanges, distributed ledger technology (DLT), and crypto-based derivatives.

Enforcement of this framework presents challenges, but it is evident that tax authorities aim to ensure proper taxation within the cryptocurrency industry. As the world grapples with the increasing prominence of cryptocurrencies, the OECD’s new tax standard signifies a step towards addressing tax compliance in this rapidly evolving digital landscape. By establishing guidelines and promoting transparency, the organization seeks to uphold tax regulations and minimize potential tax evasion associated with cryptocurrencies.

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