OpenAI swoops up French and Spanish news partners for AI chatbot training

OpenAI is partnering with Le Monde and Prisa Media to provide French and Spanish news content to ChatGPT, aiming to improve user access to real-time information and enhance the training of its large language models.

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OpenAI continues to expand its partnerships in the media and entertainment industry with the announcement of a new collaboration with French newspaper Le Monde and Spanish media company Prisa Media.

On March 13, the ChatGPT developer revealed the partnership, saying it would help bring news content in both the French and Spanish languages to deliver “real-time, authoritative information to users” of its chatbot and contribute to model training.

Along with Le Monde and Prisa Media, OpenAI said it has also created partnerships with Spanish-language media El País, Cinco Días, As, and El Huffpost.

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