Phishing Attack Targets Ethereum Co-founder Vitalik Buterin’s Twitter Account

In an unsettling development that has sent ripples through the cryptocurrency community, the Twitter account of Ethereum’s co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, was reportedly compromised. This unexpected breach, believed to be the result of a sophisticated phishing attack, has raised eyebrows and amplified concerns in the crypto community, especially considering the increasing number of high-profile hacks in recent times.

Details of the attack

The official Twitter account of Vitalik Buterin, one of the most prominent figures in the cryptocurrency world, was reportedly hacked. According to emerging reports, the hackers gained unauthorized access to Buterin’s account and posted a malicious link. This link, which was disguised in a tweet, was said to be part of a phishing scheme.

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The tweet spoke about Consensys, a blockchain technology company, offering a special NFT (Non-Fungible Token) to commemorate the introduction of “Proto-Danksharding” to Ethereum. For those unfamiliar, NFTs are unique digital assets verified using blockchain technology, and “Proto-Danksharding” refers to a potential upgrade in the Ethereum network. The hackers cleverly used this information to lure unsuspecting users into clicking the harmful link.

PeckShieldAlert, a cybersecurity firm, quickly identified the breach and alerted the community about the phishing link associated with the compromised account. Their warning message was clear: “It seems Vitalik Buterin’s Twitter account is hacked. And do NOT click the phishing link.”

Rising concerns in the crypto community

This incident with Buterin’s Twitter account is not an isolated one. The crypto community has recently witnessed a surge in high-profile account breaches. To put things into perspective, just a couple of months ago, in July 2023, the Twitter account of Uniswap’s founder, Hayden Adams, was also compromised. Such incidents have raised alarms about the security measures in place for prominent figures in the crypto industry.

The nature of these attacks, especially phishing, is particularly concerning. Phishing attacks involve tricking individuals into providing sensitive information, like passwords or credit card numbers, by disguising them as trustworthy entities. In the context of the crypto world, this could lead to significant financial losses and damage to reputations.

Swift recovery and moving forward

Despite the initial shock and concern, Vitalik Buterin’s Twitter account was promptly recovered from the hackers. Post-recovery, Buterin’s recent Twitter activities seem to be back to normal. One of his latest tweets highlights a blockchain privacy-related paper he co-authored with Ameen Soleimani, among other contributors.

While the quick recovery is a silver lining, the incident is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities even high-profile individuals face in the digital age. It underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and the need for continuous vigilance in the ever-evolving landscape of online threats.


As the crypto community continues to grow and gain mainstream attention, it becomes imperative for individuals and organizations alike to prioritize security. The recent hacks, including the unsettling breach of Buterin’s account, serve as a poignant reminder of the digital threats that lurk in the shadows. As technology advances, so do the techniques of malicious actors. It’s a wake-up call to fortify their digital assets and online presence against potential threats.

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