Pixelmon CEO bets on fractionalized NFTs for its huge comeback

The Pokemon-esque crypto game was once mocked for raising $70 million only to produce pixelated monstrosities, but its CEO Giulio Xiloyannis says it is priming for a comeback.

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Crypto project Pixelmon, once dubbed the “worst NFT project ever,” — is turning to fractionalized nonfungible tokens (NFTs) to make its return from the dead. 

First launched in February 2021, the Pixelmon project became an instant sensation for all the wrong reasons, explained the project’s now-CEO Giulio Xiloyannis in an interview with Cointelegraph.

The project was launched on Feb. 25 of that year by a 19-year-old developer who promised to deliver a Pokemon-esque game where people could collect, trade, train and battle monsters called Pixelmon.

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