Pond0X DEX surpasses $100M trading volume amid controversy

The decentralized exchange (DEX) Pond0X has recently announced that it has surpassed a staggering $100 million in total trading volume. This claim, however, has been met with skepticism and criticism from various quarters, with some alleging that the entire project is a scam. This article delves into the details of these allegations, the project’s history, and the current state of affairs.

The launch of the PNDX token

On July 28, Pond0X launched its native token, PNDX, amidst much fanfare and anticipation. However, the launch was not without its controversies. Jeremy Cahen, the project’s founder, also known as “Pauly”, took an unconventional approach to the token’s launch. He shared a URL to an application that allowed users to deposit a predetermined amount of Ether (ETH) in exchange for a set amount of PNDX. Alongside this, he also revealed the contract address for the token.

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This move led to a flurry of activity. Some investors, eager to get their hands on the new token, began purchasing PNDX on Uniswap using its contract address. Others chose to deposit their ETH directly into the app to receive their PNDX tokens. As demand surged, the price of PNDX on Uniswap quickly outpaced the ETH required to mint the token. This price discrepancy allowed those who minted PNDX through the app to sell their tokens at a significant profit on Uniswap.

However, this process raised eyebrows. Critics argued that this mechanism facilitated a transfer of over $2 million from Uniswap buyers to those who minted the token via the app. Furthermore, the ETH collected through the app was directed to a contract with no provision for retrieval. This led many to speculate that the primary objective of the project was to siphon funds from unsuspecting investors to Cahen’s pockets.

Technical flaws and continued support

The controversies didn’t end there. Soon after the launch, coding experts highlighted a glaring flaw in the PNDX token’s design. Unlike standard tokens, which only permit the owner to transfer them, PNDX had a function that allowed any individual to transfer the tokens. This loophole meant that any PNDX holder was at risk of losing their tokens, as any developer with the requisite skills could potentially “steal” their holdings. This vulnerability was further confirmed by a Solidity enthusiast and blogger named Sm-stack, who ran tests that substantiated these claims.

Despite these setbacks and the negative press, Pond0X continued to enjoy a robust following. Even two months post-launch, the project’s official Twitter posts received hundreds of supportive comments. Many users expressed their satisfaction with the DEX, with comments like “FEELS GOOD MAN” and “Best DEX, don’t see a reason for people to use other tbh.”

Antony Williams, a crypto trader and blogger, added another perspective to the debate. After analyzing the app’s smart contract code, he described Pond0X as “fundamentally an LP Farm” rather than an outright scam. He explained that the app assigns each user an ID, determining their share of a pool of Pepe tokens. 

Users can enhance their Pepe rewards by invoking the “BribeforLevelUp” function, which requires a deposit of 0.26 ETH. This deposited ETH is then used to buy Pepe tokens, which are added to the reward pool. Williams, however, was quick to point out that the PNDX token might have been intentionally designed to be “essentially valueless” to sidestep potential legal issues.

Pond0X DEX’s impressive milestone

Despite the controversies and criticisms, Pond0X launched its decentralized exchange on September 1. Citing a Dune dashboard created by a user named Mogie, the official channel of Pond0X showcased that the DEX had achieved over $111 million in all-time trading volume by September 29. This impressive milestone indicates that a significant portion of the trading community remains undeterred by the criticisms surrounding Pond0X.


While controversies and technical issues have marred Pond0X’s journey, its recent trading volume achievement showcases the project’s resilience and the continued trust of a section of the crypto community. Only time will tell if this trust is well-placed or if the critics’ concerns hold water.

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