Protecting your wallet from the CryptoShuffle Trojan

Kaspersky Labs, a cybersecurity firm based in Russia, has warned cryptocurrency owners that due to a trojan known as CryptoShuffler, their coins are not even totally safe in private wallets. The trojan is managing to steal coins from users by replacing the wallet URL addresses on a user’s clipboard as they copy and paste the information for transfers. As the trojan makes use of the built-in clipboard function on computers, it can steal from any wallet or cryptocurrency. According to Kaspersky, as of the end of October 2017, cybercriminals have managed to steal 23 Bitcoins, which is currently equivalent to approximately $140,000. It isn’t just Bitcoin that is at risk, however. Thousands of dollars worth of other cryptocurrencies including Litecoin, Ethereum, Zcash and Dogecoin and many more have also been stolen. The developers of the trojan are aware that, in the normal transfer process, many users will simply copy, paste and send the address of the wallet without carefully checking it to ensure accuracy. Therefore, a simple but effective way to help protect your assets is to carefully compare the address that you have inputted from your clipboard. By carefully checking the wallet address of every transaction you make, you should be able to keep your funds secure. On top of spending the few extra seconds to confirm the wallet address is correct, Kaspersky Labs are also reinforcing the importance of using reputable antivirus and anti-malware systems. These should be installed on all computers and devices to detect any malicious software or viruses before it has a chance to cause a problem. Cryptocurrencies are growing all the time, and the risks will continue to increase meaning that owners need to be extra vigilant and alert to the potential risks in order to protect their financial interests.

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