Re-Logic Donates $200,000 to Open-Source Game Engines in Response to Unity’s Fee Controversy

In the wake of Unity’s recent decision to implement runtime fees for developers using its game engine, Re-Logic, the developer behind the popular game Terraria, has taken a stand against what it calls “predatory” and “underhanded” fee changes. In a statement posted on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Re-Logic condemned Unity’s fee policy and announced substantial donations to open-source game engines Godot and FNA. This move comes amidst growing discontent within the game development community over Unity’s fee changes and the manner in which they were introduced.

Unity’s controversial fee changes

Unity, a leading game development engine, recently stirred controversy with its announcement of “Runtime fees,” scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2024. Under these new fees, developers would be charged based on their usage of the engine. Unity Personal and Unity Plus subscribers, for example, would incur charges of 20 cents per install after reaching a revenue threshold of $200,000 in the past 12 months and 200,000 lifetime installs.

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However, Unity’s initial announcement faced swift backlash from the game development community, prompting the company to reconsider its policy. Unity clarified that subscription service providers, such as Microsoft for Game Pass, would be responsible for covering the fees rather than individual developers. The exact details of Unity’s Runtime fees remain somewhat elusive, but the company promised to release further information in the near future.

Re-Logic’s strong response

In response to Unity’s fee changes, Re-Logic, known for the immensely popular game Terraria, did not mince words. The developer took to social media to express its dissatisfaction with Unity’s decision, calling it “predatory” and criticizing the way the changes were introduced. Re-Logic expressed disappointment in the disregard for the trust that had been built up over the years between Unity and its user base.

Re-Logic made it clear that it believed a mere public statement would not suffice as a response to Unity’s actions. In a significant show of support for the open-source game development community, Re-Logic pledged a total of $200,000 in donations to the open-source game engines Godot and FNA. Additionally, the company committed to providing ongoing monthly support of $1,000 to each of these projects.

Terraria’s success and community support

Terraria has achieved remarkable success, becoming one of the best-selling video games across various platforms over the years. While Re-Logic certainly has the financial capacity to make such donations, it’s noteworthy that the community’s response to this announcement has been overwhelmingly positive. This reflects the sentiment within the game development community regarding Unity’s fee changes and a desire to explore alternative options.

Unity’s ongoing challenge

Unity’s decision to introduce runtime fees has undoubtedly sparked controversy and frustration among its user base. The company’s attempt to alleviate some concerns by shifting the responsibility for fees to subscription service providers has not entirely quelled the discontent. Unity now faces the challenge of regaining the trust of its developers and addressing their concerns transparently.

As Unity works on refining its fee policy and providing more details, it remains to be seen how the game development community will respond. Re-Logic’s substantial donations to open-source alternatives send a clear signal that developers are actively seeking alternatives to Unity’s platform in response to the recent changes.

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