Revolutionizing IVF with AI-Powered Embryo Selection

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a widely used assisted reproductive technology that involves the surgical retrieval of eggs from the ovary, followed by their fertilization with sperm in a laboratory setting. After a brief incubation period, embryologists select the most promising blastocyst, a very early-stage embryo, for implantation in the uterus. However, the success rates of IVF procedures vary significantly based on factors such as the woman’s age. According to data from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, the likelihood of a live birth from a single IVF attempt is less than 50% for women under 35 and drops to less than 10% for women aged 41-42.

Enhanced blastocyst selection with AI technology

Addressing the need for more precise embryo selection and improved IVF outcomes, Fertility, a prominent player in the field, has developed an AI-powered decision-support software platform called CHLOE. Dr. Iris Har Vardi, Fairtility’s scientific adviser and director of the Fertility and IVF Lab at Soroka University Medical Center, and senior lecturer at Ben-Gurion University, lauds CHLOE’s ability to surpass human embryologists in measuring various embryo components with higher accuracy and speed. This advancement has significant implications for the IVF process, as highlighted in a groundbreaking study.

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The study, led by Yael Fruchter-Goldmeier and Ben Kantor from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, along with collaborators from Beilinson Women’s Hospital of Rabin Medical Center and Hadassah Medical Organization, retrospectively employed CHLOE to assess 608 blastocysts selected for IVF using conventional criteria. Notably, the research revealed a correlation between automatically measured morphometric parameters of blastocysts and their implantation potential, a finding that had not been demonstrated before.

The study’s groundbreaking findings

The software’s capabilities extend beyond blastocyst assessment. CHLOE’s AI technology allows for the objective study of various events, biomarkers, timing, and ratios, providing new insights that were previously inaccessible for treatment decisions. This represents a significant opportunity for advancing the field of reproductive healthcare and enhancing patient care.

CHLOE products are already in use at numerous IVF clinics worldwide, where they serve as invaluable tools for automated embryo quality assessment and oocyte assessment. These applications span a wide range of assisted reproductive procedures, including fertility preservation, egg donation, and IVF decision-making. Additionally, CHLOE aids in clinical and operational performance monitoring, ensuring the highest standards of care are maintained.

Eran Eshed, the co-founder and CEO of Fairtility, envisions AI technologies as a means to elevate the quality of care in clinics and to facilitate ongoing research aimed at improving long-term patient outcomes. The integration of AI into the IVF process not only streamlines embryo selection but also contributes to the ever-evolving understanding of reproductive science.

Fairtility’s CHLOE platform, powered by AI, has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of IVF. Its ability to objectively and accurately assess blastocysts and other critical parameters holds great promise for improving the effectiveness and personalization of reproductive healthcare. The recent study showcasing the correlation between AI-measured blastocyst morphometric parameters and implantation potential marks a significant milestone in the field. As CHLOE continues to be adopted by IVF clinics worldwide, it is poised to usher in a new era of enhanced patient care and scientific advancement.

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