Ripple’s CTO debunks speculated 10 Billion XRP buyback

 In a recent flurry of speculation, rumors swirled around the potential buyback of a staggering 10 billion XRP tokens by Ripple Labs, the San Francisco-based fintech giant. However, Ripple’s Chief Technology Officer, David Schwartz, swiftly halted these speculations. In a clarifying tweet, Schwartz acknowledged that while Ripple does engage in XRP purchases, there were no specific plans for a buyback of this magnitude. He also emphasized the absence of any official source supporting these rumors​.

The rumor, which originated from a news outlet CryptoAlert, quickly gained traction within the XRP community and beyond. Some saw it as a bullish sign of Ripple Labs’ confidence in the future value of XRP. Yet, others, including prominent lawyer John E. Deaton, expressed skepticism, insisting they would not believe the buyback news until it was officially confirmed by Ripple​.

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Implications of a hypothetical buyback

Had the rumor been true, it would have signaled significant implications for both Ripple Labs and the broader XRP community. Firstly, a buyback of this scale would have been a vote of confidence in the currency’s value from the company itself, potentially boosting investor confidence and fostering increased demand. Secondly, buybacks typically reduce the number of tokens in circulation. With fewer tokens available on the market, the value of each token could increase, assuming demand remains the same or grows. However, this is based on the basic economic principle of supply and demand: When supply decreases while demand stays or increases, the price typically increases​.

While the rumor of a major buyback has been debunked, Ripple’s relationship with XRP remains vital. The company’s financial reports have consistently shown open market transactions to ensure an adequate supply of XRP for their on-demand liquidity (ODL) service. Ripple currently holds approximately 41.9 billion XRP tokens in its accounts, signifying its substantial presence in the XRP ecosystem. These tokens play a pivotal role in facilitating the company’s diverse financial services, reinforcing Ripple’s commitment to XRP​.

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