Sam Bankman-Fried Needs More Adderall To Focus, Claims Lawyers

Lawyers representing FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried have asked the judge presiding over the trial for long release Adderall, claiming he is having a tough time concentrating during his trial. 

Bankman-Fried’s attorneys have stated that if a solution isn’t found, they would like to ask that the trial take a day off so they can sort out the issue. 

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SBF Needs His Medication, Claim Lawyers 

In a letter written to Judge Lewis Kaplan, the defense attorney representing Bankman-Fried, Mark Cohen stated that his client had been doing his best to remain focused during the trial. This was despite receiving inadequate doses of his medication from the Bureau of Prisons. Cohen wrote in the letter, 

“However, as we approach the defense case and the critical decision of whether Mr. Bankman-Fried will testify, the defense has a growing concern that because of Mr. Bankman-Fried’s lack of access to Adderall, he has not been able to concentrate at the level he ordinarily would and that he will not be able to meaningfully participate in the presentation of the defense case.”

According to the filing, Bankman-Fried has attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and was prescribed medication that was to be taken throughout the day. However, since the trial began, Bankman-Fried has been able to take the drug only once in the morning before he is transported to court. The lawyers also revealed that Bankman-Fried planned to testify during his criminal trial. However, the lack of access to his medication was complicating the decision on how they should proceed. 

Attempts To Resolve Issue Futile 

The defense attorney further stated that they had attempted to resolve the issue of Bankman-Fried’s medication with prison officials. However, they had received no response on the matter. Bankman-Fried’s lawyers proposed that he be given an extended 12-hour dose of Adderall on Monday morning when the trial is set to resume. However, they have noted that there is no guarantee that prison officials will grant the request or that it would even be effective. 

As a last resort, they asked the trial be adjourned by one day to Tuesday, the 17th of October, so they could find a solution that could work for the remainder of the trial. 

“If the current proposal does not work, either because the extended-release dose is not provided or it fails to have the desired effect, we respectfully request that trial be adjourned for one day on Tuesday, the 17th of October, to find a solution that will work for the remainder of the trial.”

If this request is not granted, Bankman-Fried’s attorneys have asked the court to issue an order to allow their client to receive the required drug at the courthouse on the days of the trial. 

Judge Kaplan had earlier approved a motion allowing Bankman-Fried to access Adderall and other antidepressant medication while he remained in prison. This was after his lawyers stated to the court their client had a history of major depressive disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. They further revealed he had been under psychiatric care since early 2019. 

However, his lawyers have been complaining about their client’s lack of access to medication since the approval. On the 22nd of August, they told the court that Bankman-Fried had not received his prescription for the previous 11 days. 

Prosecutors Hope To Wrap Up Trial Soon 

Prosecutors in the case are estimating they will be able to wrap up their case at midday on the 26th of October. After this point, the case will turn to the defense and if they present a case at all. However, all signs point to them presenting a case once the prosecution wraps up their arguments. In addition to being unable to access his medication, Bankman-Fried has also complained about struggling to maintain his strict vegan diet when in prison. This leaves him limited to a highly restricted diet of bread, water, and peanut butter. 

The request comes as the trial of the fallen crypto giant on charges of wire fraud and conspiracy enters its third week. Bankman-Fried is being prosecuted over the collapse of the FTX exchange and its sister entity, Alameda Research. If convicted, the former CEO faces 115 years in prison.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

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