Sony Allegedly Establishes New Studio with Former Deviation Games Developers

In a recent event within the gaming world, Sony Interactive Entertainment is said to have formed a new studio under PlayStation which will be staffed by a collection of highly skilled developers previously from Deviation Games. This news arrived after the shutdown of Deviation Games early this year, which forced many employees, including the co-founder Jordan Blundell, to leave.

Ex-Deviation talent joins Sony studio

As was pointed out on LinkedIn by Michael Anthony, a former employee at Deviation Games, a number of these developers were recruited by Sony to create a new studio. According to Anthony, the new amenity at Sony is aiming at developing a new IP as the specific details of the initiative are still unknown. 

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Also, Jason Blundell, one of the founders of Deviation Games, seems to be involved in the team of Sony’s studio directly. After Anthony’s LinkedIn update that pointed to this possible change, social media users started to focus more on JC Farmer’s earlier posting, where he threw light on his new role as Junior Game Designer at PlayStation Studios under Jason Blundell’s supervision.

Source: X (formerly Twitter)

Company’s move after Deviation shut down

This tale by Sony comes after the closure of Deviation Games early this year. Deviation, manned by experienced Call of Duty veterans, was planning for an AAA shooter title before its closure due to the overall industry challenges and a huge downsizing that touched up to 90 employees.

The opening of this new studio reaffirms Sony’s continuing efforts to find and grow new talents and provides the framework that supports creativity and innovation in the company ecosystem. Now that former Deviation Games developers are aboard, Sony will be able to utilize their proficiency and imagination to give compelling gaming experiences for the PlayStation players. 

This news has caused a buzz and increased palpitation among the gaming community, since the choice of talent is very good. The community is excitedly wondering about what the new IP looks like and the studio’s future direction. 

Sony Interactive Entertainment, up to now, has not announced any official information concerning this brand-new studio or their first ever project. Nonetheless, the Deviation Games founding team, which includes experienced members from the video Games industry as well as the leadership of Jason Blundell, points to a bright future for these beginnings within the PlayStation.

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