Sony Delays 6 of Its 12 Confirmed Live Service Games

In a recent announcement, Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) has confirmed a significant shift in its gaming strategy, delaying half of its 12 planned live service games. The decision follows a thorough portfolio review and collaboration with Destiny studio Bungie. 

Sony’s portfolio review leads to delays

Sony had ambitious plans to release 12 live service games by the end of its fiscal year in March 2026, a substantial increase from the previous year’s three releases. However, the company’s management engaged in a rigorous portfolio review in partnership with Bungie.

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This review process revealed concerns about the quality of some projects, prompting Sony to delay their release. The primary goal is to ensure that these games deliver an enjoyable and long-lasting gaming experience for players.

Revised release timeline

During an earnings call, Sony’s President, COO, and CFO, Hiroki Totoki, unveiled the revised release timeline. According to Totoki, the current plan involves launching six out of the 12 live service titles by fiscal year 2025. However, the release dates for the remaining six titles remain in development, with a focus on maintaining high game quality.

Quality over quantity

Sony’s message is clear: quality takes precedence over quantity. While the number of live service titles is halved, the company remains committed to offering compelling gaming experiences. The long-term strategy underscores the importance of delivering top-notch games that resonate with players.

Titles in development

Among the 12 titles in development are some highly anticipated games, including:

The Last of Us Online Game: Building upon the success of the iconic series, this online game promises to immerse players in the post-apocalyptic world of The Last of Us.

Horizon Online Game: Expanding the Horizon universe, this online game will offer a fresh perspective on the captivating world created by Guerrilla Games.

Original IP from PlayStation’s London Studio: This mysterious project from London Studio adds an element of excitement to the mix, as gamers await details about this new intellectual property.

Bungie’s impact

Sony’s collaboration with Bungie has proven instrumental in shaping the company’s approach to live service games. According to PlayStation Studios boss Hermen Hulst, Bungie’s insights have been invaluable in several areas. When developing live service titles, unique capabilities are required compared to single-player, narrative-driven games.

Bungie’s involvement has helped Sony gain a deeper understanding of what constitutes success in the live service realm. Unlike traditional games, live services continually evolve post-launch, requiring a shift in focus towards key performance indicators that extend far beyond the initial release.

Rigorous portfolio review

Sony has adopted a rigorous portfolio review process for all 12 live service titles in production. This process, applied with input from Bungie, ensures that each game meets the highest quality standards and aligns with the evolving vision for live services.

Sony’s decision to delay half of its planned live service games demonstrates a commitment to delivering exceptional gaming experiences. Quality remains paramount in the company’s strategy, even as release timelines are adjusted. Gamers can anticipate exciting titles like The Last of Us Online Game, Horizon Online Game, and a new IP from PlayStation’s London Studio.

As the gaming industry continues to advance, Sony’s collaboration with Bungie and its rigorous portfolio review process reflect a dedication to meeting the changing expectations of gamers and ensuring that live service games stand the test of time.

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