Sound Acquires Soho: A Mobile-First Social Experience in Music

In a remarkable development in the digital music industry, Sound, a prominent player in the realm of music and digital collectibles, has announced the acquisition of Soho, a leading mobile platform for digital collectors.

The acquisition marks a significant milestone for Sound, highlighting its dedication to revolutionizing the music industry with a focus on social, mobile-first experiences.

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Sound’s acquisition of Soho

Sound’s acquisition of Soho is not just a business transaction; it’s a strategic move aimed at enhancing the music industry’s landscape. With the integration of Soho’s innovative mobile platform, Sound aims to create a more cohesive and interactive environment for artists, curators, and music enthusiasts. The move is expected to bridge the gap between artists and their audiences, fostering deeper connections and elevating the overall music experience.

Leading the transition is Omid Aziz, the head of the Soho team, who will now assume the role of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Sound. Omid brings with him a wealth of experience in building and scaling consumer-focused social products, having previously worked at tech giants like Facebook and Instagram. His expertise will be instrumental in driving Sound’s vision of a connected and interactive music world.

The future of Music: A mobile-first approach

The acquisition emphasizes Sound’s commitment to a mobile-first strategy. Recognizing the pivotal role of smartphones in today’s digital era, Sound plans to leverage Soho’s platform to introduce innovative social features that are easily accessible on mobile devices. The approach is not only expected to enhance user experience but also to pave the way for novel forms of musical engagement and discovery.

At the heart of Sound’s mission is the desire to create a world where artists and listeners can connect on a deeper level. The integration of Soho’s platform is set to offer new avenues for artists to engage with their audience, share their creative journey, and receive support directly from their fans. The initiative aims to empower artists, giving them more control over their music and career.

Sound’s vision extends beyond individual connections. The company is looking to build a rich ecosystem where curators, industry professionals, and music lovers can come together to celebrate and promote diverse musical talents. By leveraging Soho’s technology, Sound plans to introduce features that will allow for curated playlists, interactive live sessions, and community-driven music events.

An important aspect of Sound’s vision is to create a sustainable economic model for artists. The company believes that the future of music lies in enabling artists to not only reach a wider audience but also to make a living from their art. The acquisition is a step towards realizing that future, providing artists with innovative tools and platforms to monetize their work effectively.


Sound’s acquisition of Soho is more than just a business endeavor; it’s a vision for the future of music. By bringing together the expertise of Soho’s team and Sound’s innovative approach, the company is setting the stage for a new era in the music industry—one that is more connected, interactive, and artist-friendly. As Sound embarks on this exciting new chapter, the focus will be on continuous innovation and user engagement. With a commitment to building a better future for the music industry, Sound is poised to transform how we experience, share, and connect through music.

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