Startups 100 Index Reveals Remarkable 66% Increase in Funding for AI Startups

The Startups 100 Index, the UK’s renowned ranking of innovative and disruptive startups, has released data showing a remarkable increase in funding for AI startups. According to the index, average funding for AI startups has surged by an impressive 66% between 2021 and 2023. This growth in funding demonstrates the growing investor interest and confidence in the potential of AI technology. Moreover, AI startups have experienced a significant rise in turnover revenue, marking a substantial 77% increase over the same period.

In 2021, the average funding received by AI startups amounted to £5,340,750. Despite the challenges posed by post-pandemic recovery and high inflation, the funding for AI startups saw a substantial boost, with the average amount increasing to £8,587,727 in 2023. This surge in funding indicates a strong belief in the potential of AI technology and its ability to drive innovation across various industries.

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The Startups 100 Index data also revealed a noteworthy trend in the startup landscape, with the number of new AI enterprises ranking in the index increasing by 45% over the past two years. This growth reflects the increasing normalization of artificial intelligence and highlights the pivotal role that startups are playing in innovating technology.

Comparison with other sectors

Compared to other sectors in the Startups 100 Index, AI startups secured the second-highest average funding. The tech sector led the way with an average funding of £10,643,376.71 in 2023. However, despite the tech sector’s higher funding amounts, AI startups have grown faster, with their average funding increasing by 66% compared to the tech sector’s growth of 36.42% over the same period.

Although the funding landscape appears promising for AI startups, a noticeable preference remains for larger and more established companies, as revealed by the Department of Science, Innovation, and Technology (DSIT) data. The DSIT data shows that while small and micro AI businesses constitute 88% of the AI business population in the UK, they only contribute 28% to AI’s economic output. In contrast, large firms generate 71% of the economic contribution. This suggests that larger companies still enjoy more significant resources and influence despite increased funding for startups.

Factors impacting AI startups growth

Industry experts point to several factors that may affect the growth of AI startups. Roi Amir, CEO of, an AI insurance claim company, believes that the investment community has become more conservative, seeking measurable outcomes and market proof points before investing. He attributes this caution to the market’s lack of stability and predictability.

Rafie Faruq, CEO of, an AI legal assistant, identifies access to data as a major issue for startups. Large businesses often have strict data privacy requirements, making it challenging for startups to meet the necessary information security standards. Additionally, long sales cycles pose a significant challenge for startups selling to larger enterprises, as they must navigate information security, compliance, and legal hurdles.

Policy and regulation

In addition to funding challenges, policy, and regulation play a vital role in shaping AI technology’s future and startups’ influence. The UK government’s AI whitepaper, which promises to avoid heavy-handed legislation, highlights the country’s ambition to be a leading voice in the international AI conversation. However, experts stress the importance of democratizing AI and ensuring that startups and small businesses can actively participate in developing the technology. Access to funding and revising existing regulations around investments made by pension funds are cited as crucial factors in supporting the growth of AI startups.

The data from the Startups 100 Index indicates a significant increase in funding for AI startups, reflecting growing investor interest and confidence in the potential of AI technology. However, challenges such as the preference for larger companies, access to data, and the macroeconomic climate persist. The involvement of startups in policymaking, supportive regulations, and increased funding accessibility will be pivotal in positioning the UK as an AI powerhouse and enabling startups to thrive in this rapidly evolving industry.

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