Struct Finance launches DeFi’s answer to predictable returns

The cutting-edge landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi) just took a major step forward with the launch of Struct Finance’s innovative interest rate products.

This exciting development heralds a new era of customizable DeFi solutions, expanding the opportunities for investors of all risk appetites to tap into the dynamic world of digital assets.

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A revolution in DeFi: Tailoring returns to risk preferences

Struct Finance, backed by Ava Labs, has hit the ground running by launching fully customizable interest rate products. This groundbreaking move lets DeFi users create and invest in financial instruments that align perfectly with their risk-return predilections.

The initial offering, a one-month vault, swiftly achieved a total value locked (TVL) of $100,000, illustrating the eager uptake of this new functionality.

These novel products stand as a significant improvement in the DeFi realm, where users can now earn dependable returns on their investments. As a part of this innovative venture, Struct Finance is integrating with GMX and harnessing the power of GMX’s GLP token to produce predictable yields.

This synergy enables investors to decide between a fixed return of 10% for a lower risk, or variable returns of up to 65% for those willing to shoulder a higher risk.

The implications are far-reaching, inviting conservative investors – from large institutions to smaller players – who previously shied away from DeFi’s unpredictable landscape.

Struct Finance introduces the revolutionary concept of Interest Rate Vaults and a unique tranching mechanism, empowering users to engage with structured financial products based on their individual risk tolerances.

These products deviate from the risk-return dynamics of the underlying assets, appealing to a diverse investor pool. This inclusive ecosystem enables different tokens, derivatives, vaults, pools, and protocols to interplay, crafting new products tailored to various risk appetites.

The ‘tranching’ system separates each Interest Rate Product into two tranches or portions, each offering different return configurations.

One tranche guarantees a fixed return for conservative investors seeking steady returns, while the other offers a variable return for those with a higher risk appetite chasing superior returns.

In practice, the yield from the underlying asset first satisfies the fixed tranche to guarantee predictable returns. The remainder then allocates to the variable tranche, giving it amplified exposure to the underlying yield-bearing asset.

This innovative process allows conservative investors seeking a fixed yield to be shielded from risk by more aggressive investors seeking a higher yield.

Struct: Pioneering personalized financial products

On the horizon is the launch of the Struct Factory, a feature allowing investors to create their own structured financial products to meet their unique needs.

This functionality, unprecedented in the industry, will not only serve the creators but will also be available for others to use, fostering a more adaptable and inclusive financial environment.

Moreover, Struct Finance is breaking new ground by integrating with GMX and utilizing GMX’s Liquidity Provider Token (GLP) to generate predictable yields in the form of Fixed and Variable Returns for its users.

This strategic integration supports the liquidity needs of the GMX platform while optimizing returns for Struct Finance users.

The launch of Struct Finance’s Interest Rate Vaults brings a newfound level of security and predictability to the wild and volatile landscape of DeFi.

By enabling fixed-rate returns and permissionless tranching of liquidity pools, the door is wide open for larger institutions and smaller players with conservative risk appetites to enter DeFi, further democratizing and bolstering the world of decentralized finance.

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