Supermarkets in Europe are Using AI to Tell if Fruits are Ripe

European grocery stores are piloting AI-powered scanners that assess fruit ripeness. 

The scanners, currently deployed in select Jumbo stores (Netherlands) and Migros stores (Switzerland), have garnered positive feedback from both retailers and shoppers. These stores report increased avocado sales and a decrease in damaged fruit due to shoppers squeezing for ripeness testing.

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Europe Trials AI-Powered Fruit Scanners

The early success piqued the interest of major German retailers who are expected to embark on a trial program soon. As per the report, discussions are also underway to bring the technology to the UK stores.

“It’s real, it’s happening,” says Marco Snikkers of OneThird, the company behind the tech. “To be honest, we’re totally overwhelmed and surprised by the positive feedback we have got.”

One of the driving forces behind the development of these in-store scanners was the concern over shoppers damaging avocados by squeezing them to assess ripeness. This traditional method can compromise the fruit’s integrity, rendering it unsellable. 

However, AI-powered scanners offer a non-invasive way to accurately assess the ripeness of the fruits without harming the produce, per the report. 

While currently limited to avocados, the scanners hold promise for a wider range of produce. OneThird plans to expand the tech to assess other fruits, including mangoes, melons, and kiwifruit, with mangoes likely to be the next addition due to existing data availability.

AI Scanners Save Fruit, Boost Sales

The key to expanding the scanner’s capabilities lies in data collection. OneThird emphasizes that training the AI for new fruits requires additional data, leading to a phased rollout for different produce items.

The potential benefits of AI-powered freshness scanners are twofold.  For retailers, the technology can reduce waste and potentially increase sales of other complementary products. For consumers, the scanners offer a convenient and objective way to select perfectly ripe avocados, leading to a more enjoyable eating experience.

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