Survey Reveals High Dependence on AI for Dating Advice Among Young Australians

In a recent study conducted by specialized artificial intelligence dating advice app Meeno, surprising trends and perspectives on the usage of AI for dating and relationship advice have emerged among young Australians aged 18-34. With over 500 participants surveyed, the study sheds light on the prevalence of seeking advice from AI platforms like ChatGPT and Google, along with insights into comfort levels with vulnerability and expert opinions on the effectiveness of such tools.

According to the survey findings, more than 86% of the respondents admitted to turning to ChatGPT or Google for dating and relationship advice. Among them, a quarter specifically named ChatGPT as their primary source of guidance. The data highlights AI technology’s widespread acceptance and usage in addressing personal and sensitive matters.

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Interestingly, the survey also revealed a notable gender disparity in the utilization of AI for relationship advice. Men were nearly three times more likely than women to seek guidance from ChatGPT, with 41% of male participants admitting to using the AI compared to only 15% of female participants. This gender gap underscores differing approaches to seeking emotional support and advice among young adults.

Challenges in expressing vulnerability

Despite the availability of digital resources, the survey findings suggest that many young people still struggle to express vulnerability and seek support from their social circles. Less than half of the respondents reported feeling ‘very comfortable’ discussing interpersonal issues, even with their closest friends. Only 1 in 10 individuals felt comfortable opening up to a wider group of acquaintances, indicating persistent challenges in fostering open communication about personal relationships. Renate Nyborg, founder and CEO of Meeno, highlighted the significance of this finding, emphasizing the need for accessible and private avenues for seeking relationship advice.

Commenting on the study’s results, Professor Judy Kay, leader of the University of Sydney’s Human-Centred Technology Research Cluster, provided insights into the capabilities and limitations of AI tools like ChatGPT. While acknowledging the utility of these tools in helping users think through relationship ideas, Professor Kay cautioned against expecting them to fully understand the complexities of human experiences. She emphasized the importance of writing effective prompts to leverage AI tools effectively.

Men’s perspective on seeking advice

Joe Oppenheimer, a men’s dating and relationship coach, weighed in on the survey results, offering insights into why men may be more inclined to seek advice from AI platforms. He suggested that men may perceive seeking advice from seemingly private sources like ChatGPT as a way to mitigate social risks associated with discussing personal matters openly. However, Oppenheimer cautioned against solely relying on AI for advice, emphasizing the importance of seeking guidance tailored to individual contexts and goals.

The study by Meeno offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of dating and relationship advice among young Australians. While AI platforms like ChatGPT provide accessible avenues for seeking advice, the study underscores the importance of human connection and personalized guidance in navigating the complexities of relationships. As technology continues to shape our social interactions, understanding AI tools’ nuances and limitations remains crucial in fostering healthy and meaningful connections.

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