Survey Reveals Student Interest in AI-Powered Feedback Solutions

A recent survey conducted by, a University of Surrey spin-out specializing in AI-powered marking solutions, has shed light on student sentiments regarding feedback experiences and their receptiveness to artificial intelligence (AI) in educational settings. The survey, which garnered responses from 100 students across various higher education institutions in the UK, offers insights into the impact of teacher strikes, student satisfaction with feedback processes, and the perceived benefits of AI-assisted marking.

The survey uncovered that a significant proportion of students (51%) were affected by teacher strikes in 2023. Amid these disruptions, 83% of respondents believed that AI-assisted marking could have mitigated the adverse effects of such strikes. Furthermore, the findings underscore a prevalent dissatisfaction with existing feedback mechanisms, with only 24% of students content with the speed of feedback and a mere 19% finding it adequately detailed and meaningful.

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Interest in AI-powered solutions

Despite concerns regarding marking fairness, most students showed keen interest in AI-powered solutions. Over two-thirds of respondents desired faster and more detailed feedback facilitated by AI. Notably, the survey highlighted a strong inclination among students (93%) towards receiving AI-assisted formative feedback before submitting their assignments officially.

The survey results suggest a widespread belief among students in the potential of AI to revolutionize education. An overwhelming 84% of respondents expressed confidence in AI’s ability to accurately grade assignments in the future, while 99% recognized broader applications for AI within educational contexts.

Implications for education technology

The findings underscore a growing student interest in AI-powered solutions for assessment and feedback, signaling the need for further exploration into the long-term impact of AI on learning outcomes and student experiences. Joey Lin, CEO of, emphasized the potential of AI to alleviate teacher workload and enhance personalized guidance. 

Lin highlighted the company’s commitment to collaborative research partnerships with universities worldwide, offering comprehensive support, including training, ethical guidelines reports, data protection agreements, and student perception surveys. aims to advance AI-powered education through collaborative research endeavors and grant applications.

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