Popular walk-and-earn platform Sweat Economy has unveiled its latest initiative, Sweat Hero, this Wednesday. The hyper-casual community-based NFT game allows players to compete against friends on the Sweat Wallet mobile app, which uses data from other apps on your smartphone or smartwatch to monitor your physical activity. The game is created based on sustainable token economics, aiming to enhance the overall competition levels and maintain a thriving gaming ecosystem.
Sweat Hero introduces a unique approach to how gaming works. In contrast to the “pay-to-play” models adopted by legacy games, Sweat Hero offers new players a free non-fungible token (NFT) to start the game - basically, paying the users to play. Users connect with each other via the Sweat Wallet app and battle against each other to upgrade their NFTs or win $SWEAT token rewards.
Offering a free-to-play model also contrasts with most of the move-to-earn games today. Sweat Hero revolutionizes this industry by creating a sustainable tokenomics (token economics) model that doesn’t involve asking players to purchase NFTs worth hundreds of dollars before playing. Many of these NFT games and M2E platforms sustain their economy by expecting new users to join and purchase an NFT. Additionally, the teams may limit the number of NFTs to induce artificial scarcity and potentially increase their value, preventing some players from ever getting their hands on them.
On the contrary, Sweat Hero launches a “token sink model” that solves these problems and increases the economic viability of the game’s ecosystem. The token sink system works by retaining 20% of the total battle wager as a battle fee, with 80% of the wager going to the winner. The battle fee is sent to Sweat Wallet’s token sink and burned to reduce the total number of circulating $SWEAT tokens. As more people join the battle, more tokens will be burned, meaning there will be fewer idle and liquid tokens in the ecosystem.
"We're leaving behind the times of scarcity in the NFT space and breaking the old standard of 'pay to play' in the M2E gaming space,” Oleg Fomenko, Co-founder of Sweat Economy, shared. “With Sweat Hero, millions of people can engage with free NFTs, and the more players we have, the more $SWEAT goes into the token sink, making token economics sustainable."
As players win battles and challenges by increasing their daily steps, they will enhance their NFT Power, giving them an in-game advantage. These NFTs are dynamic and will evolve based on users' gameplay progression, physical activities, and engagement within the Sweat Wallet app.
Apart from rewards and earnings in the game, the gamification of physical activity on Sweat Hero makes exercising more fun and motivates users to follow their daily exercise routines. These factors can have an overarching effect on the overall health of the users by motivating users to walk more, creating a daily habit and driving engagement through battles with friends.
The future upgrades on Sweat Wallet will introduce seven Arenas that players can level up into to secure a higher earning potential and a new dynamic NFT evolvement framework expected to launch in Q4 this year.
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