Tech Entrepreneur Urges Jamaica to Embrace STEM Education for the Fifth Industrial Revolution

Lorna Green, a prominent tech entrepreneur, urges Jamaica to focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) careers, emphasizing the critical need to prepare the country for the Fifth Industrial Revolution centered around Artificial Intelligence (AI). Green, a seasoned computer professional and author, asserts that understanding and utilizing computer technology and AI is no longer optional but imperative for the nation’s progress.

The transition to the Fifth Industrial Revolution

Green underscores the urgency of transforming the education model to foster innovation and creation, which is essential for nation-building in the digital era. She highlights the global underrepresentation of people of color in developing solutions across various domains, from agriculture to scientific research. Green advocates for a radical overhaul of Jamaica’s education system and increased parental involvement to address this gap.

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In her recent initiative, Green launched a series of three children’s books titled “Beng and Friends,” celebrating leading-edge STEM careers. These books are intended for young readers from kindergarten to high school and educators, parents, and caregivers. The series pays tribute to the life of Green’s late son, Abeng Stuart.

Addressing the lack of diversity in technology

Green’s motivation for writing these books stems from lacking diversity in the engineering and design aspects of Internet and AI-related applications and solutions. She emphasizes that this disparity often results in detrimental consequences for people of color, especially black individuals when technologies like facial recognition systems are implemented. To address this issue, Green aims to fast-track the transformation of the education infrastructure and foster greater participation in creating technology solutions.

She highlights the role of a big data engineer as fundamental in the realm of STEM careers, particularly in the Fifth Industrial Revolution, which relies heavily on data-driven technologies.

From consumers to creators of technology

Reflecting on Jamaica’s journey through the Fourth Industrial Revolution, marked by widespread consumerism of technology, Green challenges the nation to transition from consumers to creators of technology solutions. She urges Jamaicans to embrace technology and innovation, asserting that technology should become second nature to individuals across various walks of life, from market vendors to farmers.

Green, with more than 30 years of experience in the ICT industry, is the CEO and chairman of Digital Transtec Ltd (DTL), a pioneering ICT firm specializing in software applications for the mobile gaming and aviation industries. Notably, she is one of the few, if not the only, women in the English-speaking Caribbean to own such a tech company.

An advocate for STEM education

Green’s dedication to promoting STEM education and innovation is further emphasized by her intention to collaborate with the Ministry of Education, the private sector, and philanthropic initiatives to transform the education infrastructure. She aims to equip young people and adults with the knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving technological landscape effectively.

As the nation anticipates the rapid advancements in AI and technology, Green asks a critical question: What will children be learning in 18 years, given the pace of AI development? Her mission is to ensure that Jamaicans are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Lorna Green’s advocacy for STEM education and her commitment to transforming Jamaica into a hub of technology innovation are garnering attention and support from various quarters. Her children’s books, aimed at introducing young minds to STEM careers, represent a significant step in preparing the nation for the Fifth Industrial Revolution centered around Artificial Intelligence. Green’s vision is to empower Jamaicans to become creators, not just consumers, of technology solutions, thereby driving progress and innovation in the country. As Jamaica looks to the future, embracing STEM education and technology is increasingly necessary for its continued growth and development.

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