TECH WEEK- is the largest tech business conference in Russia and Eastern Europe

5,000 business representatives from the top ranking innovative technology companies

will take part in the November TECH WEEK conference in Skolkovo.

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The program will include twenty thematic sections, an exhibition of technologies for business, special events for entrepreneurs (Mentor’s Lounge, Career Consulting, Mastermind, Practicum, Education day), various networking possibilities (Speed ​​networking, Random coffee, TECH Sauna and After Party with a special guest), as well as an online platform with video recordings of speakers’ speeches and presentations.

Among the speakers:

Denis Kutergin, founder of the service for finding specialists YouDo; Garrett Martin Johnston CEO Epiphany, Purpose-As-A-Service; Vladimir Marinovich, business development strategy expert, business digital transformation expert, shareholder; Denis Dobryakov, founder of the EGGHEADS marketplace business management platform; Roman Rybkin, Project Director at GeekBrains; Alesya Rakitina, HR director of Всеинструменты.ru; Herbert Shopnik, CEO of S7 TechLab and others.

TECH WEEK is the largest technological hub for Russian business communications and presentation of the latest IT development services.

November 15-17

Technopark Skolkovo (Bolshoi Boulevard, 42, building 1)

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