Thailand opens doors to retail investments in infrastructure-backed digital tokens

The new rules cancel the previous limit of 300,000 baht ($8,500) for retail investors concerning investments in digital tokens backed by real estate or infrastructure.

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Thailand's Securities and Exchange Commission (TSEC) has lifted restrictions on retail investors purchasing digital tokens backed by real estate or infrastructure projects. Previously, retail investors were limited to investing a maximum of 300,000 baht ($8,500) in these types of tokens.

The updated rules, published in the Royal Gazette on January 16, 2024, remove this limit, allowing retail investors to invest more freely in the real estate and infrastructure-backed digital token (REIT) market.

The TSEC's decision to lift the investment limit comes as the country's cryptocurrency market is gaining momentum. In September 2023, Thailand's largest bank, KBank, acquired the crypto exchange business Satang, signaling the growing acceptance of digital assets in the Thai financial system.

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