The other side of NFTs: Verifying authenticity, dynamic NFTs, mystery boxes, staking

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become increasingly popular in the digital asset space, and they offer a unique way to create, store, and manage valuable digital assets.

They are unique in that they can represent anything from artwork to music and even physical goods. NFTs provide an immutable record of ownership, allowing users to securely trade and transact with collectible items without relying on third parties.

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However, there is more to NFTs than just trading; they also offer authentication services for verifying the authenticity and provenance of digital goods. Users can enjoy dynamic NFTs which add another layer of engagement, as well as mystery boxes that surprise users with random rewards. Additionally, users can participate in staking to earn rewards and increase the value of their NFTs.

Verifying the authenticity of NFTs

Plagiarism and counterfeiting are usually considered unethical, however, people still buy into them partly due to the advantage of getting a lower price than the original. Unfortunately, buyers often don’t have the time to check for authenticity, leaving them vulnerable to being deceived by fake items in both physical and digital markets. Luckily, blockchain technology has offered another alternative in form of non-fungible tokens or NFTs – transactions made on it are easy to trace and verify for authenticity. This helps alleviate some of the stress associated with verifying the legitimacy of digital items bought online since the distributed ledger records data in an unalterable fashion with observed timestamps.

To verify the authenticity of your NFT, you should use a blockchain explorer like Etherscan. This is the best way of double-checking that your NFT is genuine, as reliable identifiers such as the minting date and wallet address associated with it will easily prove its legitimacy.

Etherscan is a valuable blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network. It provides up-to-date and actionable information that allows users to explore, verify, and validate different transactions or blocks on the Ethereum network. Through Etherscan you can find out who owns a specific wallet address, review features of associated tokens, or view details of specific blocks with ease. You also have access to the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) with Etherscan which makes it much easier to find address information quickly by simply entering an alias name rather than having to try and guess account numbers. Many users find this an invaluable tool when navigating the complexity of Ethereum’s blockchain ecosystem.

For example, when Beeple’s most recent digital artwork was sold at auction through Christie’s, they supplied verifiable information about the token ID, token contract, and wallet address for third parties to check if necessary. In this way, it is possible to take a “don’t trust, verify” approach to decentralized transactions such as those involving NFTs.

Can NFT ownership be faked?

NFTs are completely unique and difficult to fake ownership of since all of their transaction data is stored on the blockchain for anyone to look up. Taking a screenshot of an NFT won’t help either, because even if you have a picture, it doesn’t mean you own the token itself or have access to its utilities. This is because, much like a car, having a picture of it doesn’t provide you with any actual ownership rights. Therefore, the only way to prove that you own an NFT is by looking up who registered it on the blockchain and checking if it tracks back to your wallet. As such, faking ownership of an NFT is virtually impossible.

Dynamic NFTs

Dynamic NFTs are non-fungible tokens that have been embedded with code to enable them to store and execute data. This allows users to create NFTs that contain more information than just a static image, such as in-game assets or interactive art creations. Dynamic NFTs are also able to change their characteristics over time based on the programming code that was coded into them when minted.

Dynamic NFTs have opened up many possibilities for online gaming and digital collectibles; allowing developers to create new marketplaces of rare digital items. They are also used as incentives for user engagement in the form of loyalty rewards and mystery boxes which offer random rewards when opened. As dynamic NFTs become more popular, they are likely to be included in all sorts of applications, including social media platforms, digital galleries, and more.

Static vs Dynamic NFTs

There are two main types of NFTs, static and dynamic. Static NFTs are unique, with permanent token data that offer increased security and trust in comparison to dynamic NFTs. However, this means sacrificing flexibility; dynamic NFTs allow for changes to be made to token metadata but come at the risk of decreased security.

Dynamic NFTs should be used in cases where there is a requirement for ongoing changes, whereas static NFTs should be employed where maximum security is desired.

How do Dynamic NFTs work?

Smart contracts are the backbone that supports dynamic NFTs’ functioning. Every request to generate a dynamic NFT is reviewed using criteria in the smart contract. This means any changes to the content of a dynamic NFT will be based on on-chain and off-chain data that is evaluated by the smart contract.

Any alterations of the dynamic NFT expressed through its contents mirror the conditions stated in its programmable smart contract. In this way, smart contracts go hand in hand with dynamic NFTs to ensure operations are conducted fairly and accurately according to preprogrammed standards.

Mystery Boxes

Mystery boxes provide a unique, exciting way to collect NFTs at random. Inside these treasure chests, you never know what is waiting to be discovered. Most users treat them like a game of luck; some are rewarded with rare and valuable NFTs, while others get the common ones.

Every mystery box carries a different range of rarity and potential treasures to uncover – it’s just a matter of taking that chance and seeing if luck is on your side. With an ever-changing flow of new and innovative NFTs being released, these boxes offer endless content and can be endlessly refreshing to both veteran collectors and first-time buyers.

One of the most exciting options when looking to buy or sell NFTs is mysterious boxes. You can find these on aggregated NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea, Rarible, and Binance’s NFT marketplace; game NFT marketplaces; and self-owned NFT marketplaces powered by NFTify.

Before you make your purchase, it’s important to be aware that in order to buy mystery boxes you need a crypto wallet like MetaMask installed on your device.

Staking NFTs and their utility

NFT staking is a great way to get some use out of your idle digital assets and there are numerous platforms that offer it. All you need to start is a Web3 wallet, but not all NFTs can be staked so make sure the collection you choose is supported by the service first.

It works in much the same way staking cryptocurrency does, just with NFTs instead. If you’re looking for an exciting and possibly lucrative way to make use of your digital collectibles, consider taking part in NFT staking programs.

Staking rewards can vary, depending on the features of the NFTstaked and the platform they are staked in, with common factors influencing rewards being the annual interest rate offered, staking duration, and number of NFTs staked.

Blockchain gaming platforms are especially prevalent in this space, as the actual gameplay requires NFTs, which has created a new way to earn income through these types of platforms.

Participation in DAOs is also an integral part of most NFT projects. By locking up their assets and participating in governance decisions through DAO pools, holders can potentially receive more significant returns compared to other types of staking options.

NFT Rarity value

The secondary market for NFTs is booming, as collectors compete to own the rarest and most valuable digital art. Rarity can come in many forms – it could be a limited edition item or even something that was created with a unique algorithm – but its value will depend on how attractive it is to potential buyers.

Rarity doesn’t just include the number of copies in circulation. It also takes into account the number of people who want these items, meaning that an item’s true rarity may not always be accurately represented by its initial availability. The scarcity of certain artwork pieces can drive prices up significantly, making them incredibly sought-after collectibles.

There are other factors that can affect the value of an NFT. These include its quality, the artist or designer behind it, and how well-known the artwork is in the community.

NFT Security

When dealing with digital assets, security is paramount. Fortunately, most NFT marketplaces offer robust security measures to ensure that your assets remain safe and secure. These can range from two-factor authentication (2FA) to advanced smart contract solutions that provide an extra layer of security when trading or transferring ownership of digital assets.

You should also take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from potential threats such as phishing and fraud. This includes using strong passwords, avoiding clicking on suspicious links, and never providing sensitive information like wallet addresses or private keys. By taking these steps you can help safeguard your investments for years to come.


The NFT economy is rapidly evolving, with new ways to collect, trade, and invest in digital assets being developed all the time. Whether you’re a casual collector or an experienced investor, understanding how NFTs work and taking advantage of the various opportunities they present can be a rewarding experience. From staking to rarity value and security, there’s plenty to consider when it comes to investing in NFTs – but if done correctly, it could provide you with significant returns.

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