The Very Human Story Behind a New AI Platform for Creatives

In a poignant revelation at the 2023 Creative LIAisons event at the London International Awards in Las Vegas, Dissara Udomdej shared the heartbreaking story that sparked the creation of his innovative artificial intelligence platform, AI-Deate. With a mission to alleviate the mounting pressures and time constraints faced by individuals in the advertising industry, Dissara’s platform is poised to make a significant impact.

A tragic catalyst for change

The journey of AI-Deate began with a tragedy. Dissara Udomdej, CEO of Yell Bangkok, was deeply affected when a close friend succumbed to the relentless stress of overworking in the advertising industry. This incident prompted Dissara to contemplate the dire need for change in an industry notorious for its demanding workload. Thailand, in particular, faced a grave issue, with 46.7% of its workforce logging over 48 hours of work per week, ranking it as the third-largest group of overworked individuals globally.

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The inefficiency of existing AI tools

Dissara recognized that existing generative AI tools, though available, were inefficient and cumbersome when applied to advertising purposes. He confronted a critical decision: either use the tools that already existed or embark on the path of innovation. His extensive research into AI platforms revealed a crucial insight – most AI solutions were not designed with creatives in mind. These platforms were overly broad in their capabilities, failing to cater to the specific needs of the advertising industry.

Building from within

Yell, equipped with in-house capabilities, was in a unique position to develop a custom AI platform. The pandemic had taken a toll on Thailand’s startup scene and tech sector, with many companies struggling financially. Three years ago, Yell acquired a tech company with a decade of experience in AI, which enabled them to adapt and create the AI-Deate platform.

Breaking language barriers

One standout feature of AI-Deate is its ability to operate in multiple languages. Dissara recognized that many existing platforms were primarily designed around the English language. This language-centric approach created additional barriers for individuals whose first language was not English. To make AI-Deate more inclusive, it was designed to work in Thai, Chinese, Spanish, as well as English.

AI as a solution, not a replacement

Dissara firmly believes that technology, including AI, is both the cause of and solution to the overworking problem. He emphasizes that AI can assist but should not replace human creativity. Curiosity, intention, and wisdom, he asserts, are uniquely human qualities that drive innovation. AI may be a powerful tool, but it relies on human guidance and direction.

Accessibility and revenue sharing

Currently, AI-Deate offers basic features for free to creatives. However, the long-term goal is to implement a revenue-sharing business model. This approach ensures that the models and artists who contribute to the platform’s content can profit from their contributions.

Building trust in the creative community

Developing AI-Deate came with its share of challenges, particularly in building trust within the creative community. Agencies are often hesitant to share potentially confidential information. To address this concern, AI-Deate was designed to allow agencies to run it from their closed servers and ecosystem, eliminating the need to operate from the cloud if they prefer.

Unlocking efficiency with storyboarding

Currently, the focus of AI-Deate is on storyboarding capabilities. Although the storyboarding AI is still in the beta stage, it has already demonstrated its potential by reducing storyboarding time by 30-40%. Dissara is eager to enhance efficiency further with the introduction of a motion storyboard function.

AI integration at Yell

Within Yell, AI-Deate has already become an integral part of the daily workflow. The company’s culture of embracing change and technology, coupled with strong connections to universities in Thailand, has facilitated a seamless adoption process. Dissara believes that the output of young advertising students utilizing AI-Deate may even surpass that of the iconic TV show, ‘Mad Men,’ thanks to their innate technological proficiency.

Human creativity remains invaluable

As Dissara reflects on the journey of creating AI-Deate, he underscores a crucial point – despite the advancement of technology, human creativity remains paramount. He urges individuals not to become overly preoccupied with the rapid evolution of technology. In his view, technology is merely a tool, while the quality of human creativity and ingenuity is the true essence of innovation.

AI-Deate emerges as a beacon of hope in an industry grappling with overwork and stress. Dissara Udomdej’s personal tragedy catalyzed the development of this innovative platform, designed specifically to alleviate the burdens faced by creative professionals. With its commitment to inclusivity, revenue-sharing, and human-AI collaboration, AI-Deate represents a transformative force in the world of advertising.


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