Tokenized Crypto-Points to debut on Black Friday!

itCoin® Black a rewards based loyalty program! The Giftz™ Luxury Black Coin Program™ will service, Spas, Malls, Private Jets, Car Rental Programs, Hotels, Theaters, Key Employee Incentive Programs, Big Box Stores, Hotel Chains and more. Using a Blockchain based Redemption Loyaty Card. The Giftz™ Team is developing a Do-It-Yourself (FREE) Loyalty Rewards Program for small to mid-sized merchants (just pay for points) and a managed Black Coin Program™ solution for its enterprise clients. With either program, consumers can collect tokens in stores, apps, games, websites and more via a rewards e-Wallet (Waulit™).  Shoppers have fun earning Rewards Tokens and blockchain makes Loyalty secure.  Giftz™ can help get liability off balance sheets around the world by distributing physical tokenized points to customers who recieive the asset in their private wallet.  Giftz™ opens up a network of new customers to merchants, without the huge overhead costs associated with traditional programs. Participating Merchants give away tiered tokens; itCoin® Silver or Gold (or their own branded itCoin®) to reward their customers for engagement. Consumers collect their itCoin® in a digital Waulit™ and redeem to their Value-Based Loyalty Card at Point Of Sale; Mobile or Plastic. In the future most loyalty programs will move to the blockchain.  The Giftz™ Network is building a true community to support this.  However, different loyalty programs have different digital architecture, which makes it difficult to integrate systems. Inside the Giftz™ Network customers and traders instantly have a blockchain marketplace to sell their crypto-points like airlines sell their miles. itCoin® will be the first token that you can "mine" (collect) using GPS, iBeacon, EddyStone and QR Codes inside participating local stores within The Giftz™ Network.  We also offer a Gold or Silver Coin "Pay-Per-Visit"Campaign that Merchants can use to drive low-cost foot traffic and sales.  Customers discover local shops while collecting tokens using the FREE DIY Loyalty Program. Merchants only have to buy the crypto-points to be issued. REWARDS TOKENS CAN BE USED TO: •INCREASE new business & secure new customers • DRIVE incremental sales from existing customers • REDUCE attrition • MAXIMIZE marketing effectiveness • LEVERAGE data •BUILD loyalty In addition, the existing Rewards Media applications. The team GitfzTM is powered by an A-list Rewards Media, Inc. team and Investors/Advisors; John Paukulis founder and CEO (ex-Paramount Pictures), Emilio Diez Barroso (Televisa Family), Linda Giambrone (Head of NBC Primetime TV), Steven McClurg (Pres & COO, Eyal Hertzog (Co-Founder; Bancor), Michael Kaplan (Activision), Alon Goren (Crowd Invest Summit), Rayaan Arif (FundingTree), Erick & Bryan Went (MatterLabs), Paul Newton (ex- CFO Spectrum Bank), Zane Witherspoon (Dispatch), Michael Panesis (ex-Chair of Tech Coast Angles) David Cho (Blockchain Guru), Sead Muftic (Blockchain Security Expert) Peter Williams (Founder Ace Portal) Martin Tate (Carman Lehanof Israelsen LLP) and Rob Caulfield (Founder of TrustCommerce).   For more information about the Black Friday sale vist the site :   Disclaimer This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice and is not a recommendation to participate in any crowdsale, or Intial coin offering. Disclosures The author is an advisor on the project.

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