Top Blockchain Dev Companies in Taiwan: Expertise and Solutions Gaining Global Recognition

Taiwan, a bustling hub of technological innovation, has made significant strides in the blockchain industry. With its vibrant ecosystem and forward-thinking approach, the country is home to several top-notch blockchain development companies shaping this transformative technology’s future. As blockchain continues to revolutionize various sectors, including finance, supply chain, and digital identity, the expertise and solutions offered by Taiwanese companies are gaining global recognition.

This guide will explore some of Taiwan’s leading blockchain dev companies, highlighting their contributions to the industry and unique approaches to blockchain innovation. From facilitating secure supply chain finance to reclaiming digital property rights, these companies are at the forefront of harnessing the potential of blockchain technology.

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BSOS is one of Taiwan’s pioneering blockchain development companies dedicated to resolving supply chain finance processes through blockchain technology. With a strong focus on authenticity and liquidity, BSOS aims to bridge the gap between real-world assets in the supply chain and capital providers, whether they are traditional banks or the emerging crypto world.

At the core of BSOS’s solutions is using blockchain’s immutable and transparent nature. By leveraging distributed ledger technology, BSOS ensures that every transaction and data point within the supply chain is securely recorded and verifiable.

BSOS’s innovative approach to supply chain finance has earned them recognition as one of Taiwan’s top blockchain development companies. Their expertise lies in developing tailored blockchain solutions that streamline and optimize the financial processes within the supply chain, making them more efficient and secure.

BSOS’s vision goes beyond providing blockchain solutions for supply chain finance. They strive to revolutionize asset management and conduct transactions, ushering in a new era of efficiency, transparency, and trust within global supply chains.

Bitmark Inc.

Bitmark Inc. stands at a crucial crossroads between two distinct phases of the internet: the Wild West, where giant companies possess and exploit the digital lives of millions, and a future in which individual users can reclaim their digital property and reap the benefits of ownership. With this mission in mind, Bitmark Inc. has emerged as a prominent blockchain development company based in Taiwan.

At its core, Bitmark Inc. aims to redefine the concept of ownership in the digital realm. They recognize the need to empower individuals and provide them with control over their digital assets, data, and intellectual property. By leveraging blockchain technology, Bitmark Inc. offers innovative solutions that enable users to reclaim their digital property rights and unlock the value inherent in their digital assets.

Bitmark Inc. has developed cutting-edge blockchain solutions that facilitate the secure ownership, transfer, and tracking of digital assets. Using blockchain’s immutable and transparent nature ensures that the ownership and provenance of digital assets can be verified and protected.

Bitmark Inc.’s contributions extend beyond the realm of digital property rights. They actively engage in research and development to explore the potential of blockchain technology in areas such as digital identity, data integrity, and decentralized systems. Their efforts create a more equitable and user-centric digital ecosystem.


BiiLabs, an innovative company based in Taiwan, is making significant strides in blockchain by leveraging emerging technologies such as distributed ledger and blockchain. With a strong focus on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, BiiLabs is at the forefront of revolutionizing various industries and providing cutting-edge solutions.

The company’s name, BiiLabs, stands for “Blockchain Industry and Innovation Labs,” reflecting its commitment to fostering advancements and innovation in the blockchain ecosystem. BiiLabs offers a range of services and solutions that cater to the diverse needs of businesses and individuals looking to harness the potential of blockchain technology.

One of BiiLabs’ notable offerings is its Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) based on IOTA, a distributed ledger technology designed for the Internet of Things (IoT). Using IOTA’s unique infrastructure, BiiLabs enables seamless integration of blockchain technology into IoT applications, allowing for secure and scalable data transactions within connected devices.

In addition to their PaaS solutions, BiiLabs provides notary certification based on TangleID, an identity management system built on the IOTA Tangle. This innovative approach ensures the integrity and authenticity of digital identities, enabling secure and verifiable transactions within decentralized ecosystems.

BiiLabs also offers an IoT backbone network that helps customers offload cloud infrastructure and reduce costs while ensuring data transmission between IoT devices’ reliability and security. BiiLabs provides a robust and trusted framework for secure IoT data management by leveraging blockchain technology.

Digital identity is another area where BiiLabs excels. Their expertise in building digital identity solutions based on TangleID allows for secure and privacy-preserving identity management, reducing reliance on centralized authorities and enhancing user control over personal data.


CoolBitX is an international blockchain security company headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. Founded in 2014 by Michael Ou, CoolBitX builds the next-generation infrastructure necessary to maximize the adoption of digital assets. The company offers innovative solutions through its two primary product lines: CoolWallet and Sygna.

CoolWallet is a credit card-sized hardware wallet designed to provide a secure and user-friendly experience for managing digital assets. It features Bluetooth-enabled pairing with mobile phones, allowing users to access and control their cryptocurrencies easily. The CoolWallet provides enhanced security measures, such as tamper-proof packaging and military-grade encryption, to ensure the safety of users’ private keys and assets.

Sygna, on the other hand, is a line of regulatory compliance products tailored for Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs). These products simplify the process for VASPs to meet the compliance standards of the traditional financial industry and improve the reputation of the virtual currency industry. Sygna’s modular crypto AML range helps VASPs easily meet global crypto regulations thanks to its user-friendly interface, industry-best ISMS (Information Security Management System) standards, and total user data privacy.

In terms of funding, CoolBitX has received significant investments to support its growth and development. Notably, it has secured investments from SBI Crypto Investment and Monex Group, among others. As of the last funding round in February 2020, CoolBitX raised $30.4 million.

CoolBitX has gained recognition for its innovative solutions and contributions to the blockchain security industry. Its CoolWallet S, released in 2018, received praise from the crypto community and attracted a large following. The company’s strategic partnerships and endorsements, such as the $13 million strategic investment from SBI Holdings and the official endorsement from Charlie Lee, the creator of Litecoin, further demonstrate its credibility and market influence.

Other Prominent Blockchain Development Companies

In addition to BSOS, Bitmark Inc., and BiiLabs, Taiwan is home to several other prominent blockchain development companies that are driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology. These companies showcase the diverse expertise and solutions available in Taiwan’s thriving blockchain ecosystem. Let’s explore some of these notable players:

  1. DAppPocket: DAppPocket is a leading blockchain development company specializing in creating decentralized applications (dApps) for mobile platforms. With a user-centric approach, they design and develop intuitive and user-friendly dApps on popular blockchain platforms such as Ethereum and TRON.
  1. ChainB: ChainB is a blockchain technology company that offers consulting and development services for blockchain-based projects. Their expertise lies in smart contract development, tokenization, decentralized finance (DeFi), and blockchain infrastructure solutions.
  1. STO2: STO2 is a blockchain development company focusing on security token offerings (STOs). They provide end-to-end STO solutions, including token creation, compliance, and investor management, facilitating the integration of blockchain technology into traditional financial markets.
  1. ioeX: ioeX is a blockchain-based Internet of Things (IoT) company that aims to decentralize IoT infrastructure. Their solutions enable secure data storage, device management, and peer-to-peer communication within the IoT ecosystem, leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology.

These companies represent just a fraction of Taiwan’s vibrant blockchain development landscape. Each brings its unique strengths, expertise, and innovative solutions to the table, contributing to the growth and adoption of blockchain technology across industries.

Taiwan’s Technological Excellence and Potential

Taiwan is renowned as a technological powerhouse, excelling in manufacturing and engineering, with a proactive approach to technology development and innovation. Taiwan has established itself as a global leader in the tech industry. As the world embraces digital transformation, Taiwan’s commitment to technological excellence positions it as a prominent hub for blockchain development.

Impressive Technological Achievements:

Fast Internet Connectivity: Taiwan leads the world in fast internet, boasting an average download speed of 135.88 Mbps according to the broadband speed league 2022. This speed is 13.55 Mbps higher than the second-placed country, Japan.

Manufacturing Dominance: Taiwan is a major producer of integrated circuits, manufacturing 60 percent of the world’s supply and 90 percent of the most advanced ones, showcasing its robust manufacturing industry.

Government Initiatives and Investments:

IoT Industry Growth: Taiwan’s IoT industry attracts significant investments, with companies like Microsoft capitalizing on the country’s engineering talents and competitive wages.

Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA): The ASVDA, initiated by the Taiwanese government, aims to increase Taiwan’s global market share in IoT from 3.8 percent in 2015 to 5 percent by 2025, solidifying its status as an appealing tech hub.

Competitive Price-to-Quality Ratio:

Taiwanese IT companies offer a compelling price-to-quality ratio, making Taiwan an attractive destination for international customers seeking digital services such as software development, digital design, and cybersecurity. The concentration of IT companies provides customers with a wide range of options to suit their project requirements.

Emphasis on Education and Talent Development:

Skilled Workforce: Taiwan boasts a 98.87 percent literacy rate and excels in standardized math test scores globally.

Engineering Talents: Over 25 percent of all university degrees earned in Taiwan are in engineering, indicating a rich pool of engineering talent.

A magnet for Investments: Taiwan’s skilled professionals continue to attract investments, solidifying its status as a desirable hub for technology-related ventures.

Potential as a Regional Leader:

Taiwan’s remarkable literacy rates and engineering capabilities set it apart from neighboring countries. In addition, its commitment to fostering an innovation-driven economy positions it as a potential regional leader in various branches of IT.

With its solid technological ecosystem and favorable market conditions, Taiwan offers an ideal environment for blockchain development companies to thrive and contribute to the global blockchain revolution. 


Taiwan’s vibrant ecosystem of blockchain development companies plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of blockchain technology. With companies like BSOS, Bitmark Inc., BiiLabs, and others at the forefront, Taiwan has emerged as a hub of blockchain innovation and expertise.

These companies leverage blockchain’s potential to transform industries, addressing challenges in supply chain finance, digital ownership, and decentralized systems. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, they are bringing transparency, security, and efficiency to various sectors.

As blockchain technology continues to gain traction globally, Taiwan’s blockchain development companies will remain instrumental in driving its adoption and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Their innovative ideas, expertise, and collaborative spirit contribute to a thriving ecosystem that fosters blockchain innovation and propels Taiwan to the forefront of the global blockchain revolution.

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