Uniswap Founder Alerts Crypto Community to New Impersonation Scam

In a significant cautionary alert issued to the cryptocurrency community, Hayden Adams, the pioneering founder of the decentralized exchange (DEX) Uniswap, has shed light on a burgeoning scam involving the impersonation of wallet addresses through the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains. 

The sophisticated scheme aims to deceive individuals into mistakenly sending digital assets to fraudulent addresses, masquerading as legitimate ones. The scam underscores the evolving challenges in ensuring the security of digital transactions within the blockchain ecosystem.

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The emergence of ENS impersonation

On February 14, a warning was disseminated by Hayden Adams through a post on X, targeting the crypto community at large. The essence of the scam, as outlined by Adams, revolves around the malicious practice of impersonating his Ethereum wallet address. Scammers have craftily registered his wallet address as an ENS domain with a .eth extension, a move that complicates the authenticity of transactions. When users attempt to transfer assets and paste Adams’ wallet address into certain user interfaces, these interfaces misleadingly suggest the scammer’s ENS domain as the primary search result, despite no direct affiliation to Adams’ genuine address.

The intricate scam aims to exploit the trust and reliance on ENS domains, a feature that simplifies the transaction process by replacing cumbersome alphanumeric wallet addresses with human-readable names. However, the convenience also opens up a new avenue for fraudsters to deceive unsuspecting users, potentially leading to significant financial losses for those who inadvertently send assets to these fraudulent addresses.

Industry reactions and historical context of the scam

The scam has not only alarmed users but also drawn comments from key figures in the crypto and blockchain domain. Among them is Nick Johnson, the founder and lead developer of ENS, who critiqued the auto-completion of names in user interfaces, labeling it as “far too dangerous.” Johnson’s remarks highlight the inherent risks in such features and underscore ENS’s stance, as reflected in its user experience guidelines, which advise against the auto-completion of domain names.

Furthermore, Taylor Monahan, the founder of the Ethereum wallet manager MyCrypto, provided additional insights by drawing parallels with a similar scam vector that plagued the early days of the MyEtherWallet service. According to Monahan, It is not a novel threat but rather a resurgence of a past tactic, one that had previously disrupted registrations and resolutions for names starting with “0x”. The historical perspective not only emphasizes the cyclical nature of security threats in the digital domain but also the continuous need for vigilance and innovation in cybersecurity measures.

Towards enhanced security measures

The revelation of the scam serves as a stark reminder of the persistent and evolving nature of security threats in the cryptocurrency space. It calls for a concerted effort from developers, platform operators, and users alike to fortify defenses against such deceptive practices. Hayden Adams’ proactive warning aims to galvanize the community towards adopting stricter security protocols and enhancing the scrutiny of transactions involving ENS domains.

For platform developers and service providers, there is a clear imperative to refine user interfaces, ensuring they do not inadvertently facilitate such scams. It could involve implementing filters to exclude suspicious addresses and enhancing verification processes for ENS domain registrations. Additionally, user education plays a crucial role in mitigating the risks associated with digital asset transactions. By fostering a more informed and cautious user base, the community can collectively reduce the incidence of such scams.


The ENS impersonation scam highlighted by Uniswap’s founder, Hayden Adams, underscores a critical challenge in the realm of digital asset security. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to evolve, so too do the tactics employed by malicious actors. The incident serves as a call to action for all stakeholders to bolster security measures, enhance user education, and remain vigilant against the ever-present threat of fraud. Through collective efforts and a commitment to continuous improvement, the community can aspire to create a safer and more secure digital transaction environment.

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