Unleash World Conference 2023 in Paris Emphasizes the Role of HR and Leadership Development

The Unleash World Conference, a prominent event in the heart of Paris, has once again captivated audiences with its in-depth discussions on crucial themes such as AI, skills training, and talent management. Notably, the event delved into the evolving responsibilities of Human Resources (HR) and the imperative focus on people amidst technological advancements.

HR’s shifting role in leadership development, according to Eric Olsen

During a CEO panel focused on social contracts, Eric Olsen, the CEO of Alixias, challenged the conventional HR-centric approach to leadership development. Olsen emphasized, “Leadership development is often delegated to HR, but it’s a misconception. Instead, the onus should lie with each individual manager to foster the growth of their respective teams. This presents a genuine daily challenge within our business environment.”

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Maryann Abbajay stresses the people-centric approach over tech in HR strategies

Delving deeper into the integration of technology in HR, Maryann Abbajay, the chief revenue officer at SAP SuccessFactors, underscored the importance of prioritizing people during technological implementations. Abbajay expressed, “While discussions around HR tech persist, the introduction of technology must be accompanied by meticulous change management. It is crucial to keep the workforce at the forefront of our endeavors, ensuring transparency, allaying concerns about job security, and enabling them to undertake more impactful work.”

Abbajay further advocated for a responsible approach to the adoption of AI, emphasizing, “Implementing AI demands thoughtful considerations. HR professionals must focus on the three essential aspects: making AI relevant, ensuring its reliability, and above all, ensuring its responsible application.”

The growing significance of employer branding in talent acquisition and retention

As the landscape of talent acquisition continues to evolve, the significance of a company’s reputation and employer branding has emerged as a pivotal factor in attracting and retaining top-tier talent. Notably, the emphasis on employer branding as a continuous process rather than a one-time project has gained traction among industry leaders.

Catherine Gouw, the head of employer branding at Lidl, shed light on the critical role of HR in shaping a company’s employer branding strategy. Gouw asserted, “The impact of every individual, particularly within HR, on employer branding cannot be overstated. It is imperative to align external communication with the internal employee experience.”

She further emphasized the ever-evolving nature of employer branding, highlighting its relevance across various HR domains and underscoring its role in not just attracting but also retaining individuals with the right attributes.

As the Unleash World Conference continues to foster insightful dialogue and knowledge sharing, it becomes increasingly evident that HR’s role is expanding beyond traditional boundaries, emphasizing the significance of people and fostering a holistic approach to organizational development.

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