US prosecutors push for 5–7 years in prison for ex-FTX exec

U.S. prosecutors demanded “just punishment” fitting the scale of his crime, but Salame’s lawyers argue that he should serve no more than 18 months.

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United States prosecutors want former FTX executive Ryan Salame — the alleged wingman of FTX co-founder Sam “SBF” Bankman-Fried — to serve five to seven years in prison for crimes that led to the eventual collapse of the FTX crypto exchange.

On May 21, federal prosecutors filed a sentencing memo in a Manhattan federal court demanding strict sentencing for Salame after the defendant pleaded guilty to committing “serious crimes” linked to misappropriating FXT investors’ funds.

In the court filing viewed by Bloomberg, the U.S. prosecutors demanded “just punishment” fitting the scale of his crime as opposed to Salame’s lawyers, who argue that he should serve no more than 18 months.

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