US Senators raise concerns over SEC handling of DEBT Box case

A group of US Senators has expressed concerns regarding the recent dismissal of a case by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against crypto firm Digital Licensing, operating under the name ‘DEBT Box.’ 

The senators, comprising J.D. Vance, Bill Hagerty, Katie Boyd Britt, Thom Tillis, and Cynthia Lummis, have addressed their worries in a letter to SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, highlighting what they perceive as questionable proceedings in the case.

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Questionable handling of the case

The senators’ letter criticizes the SEC’s handling of the case against DEBT Box, particularly focusing on what they term “unethical and unprofessional” conduct. 

They raise concerns about the temporary freeze of the firm’s assets and its principals, which were granted as “emergency relief” measures by the District Court of Utah. The senators note that the court later discovered the SEC had provided misleading information, undermining the integrity of the proceedings.

Furthermore, the senators express dismay over the SEC’s failure to correct inaccuracies presented by its attorneys, even after becoming aware of them. They assert that such negligence is unacceptable and deeply troubling, suggesting a potential lapse in the agency’s regulatory duties.

Impact on investor confidence

The senators stressed that mishandling the DEBT Box case raises doubts about the integrity of similar cases conducted by the SEC. They argue that this undermines public confidence in the commission’s ability to protect investors and uphold fair practices within the financial markets.

DEBT Box case overview

Last year, the SEC initiated legal action against DEBT Box, alleging the firm’s involvement in a fraudulent crypto scheme. The agency accused DEBT Box of selling $50 million worth of unregistered crypto asset securities to US investors. However, the case was ultimately dismissed, leading to scrutiny from the senators regarding the SEC’s handling of the matter.

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