Using cryptocurrencies to help save the environment

Innovative and novel solutions to some of society's larger problems have emerged as businesses team up with cryptocurrencies. The latest is the UK based startup, The Blockchain Development Company (BCDC), who hope to improve the transparency of recycling, renewable energy and food industry supply chains, using their own cryptocurrency. Who are BCDC? With the sale of their own virtual currency, the BCDC token, they are hoping to focus on funding three projects: 1. Ecochain – the creation of an investment hub which enables private and public investors to directly finance renewable energy, like solar and wind power, throughout Europe and America. 2. RecycleToCoin – the rewarding of recyclers by exchanging waste for BCDC tokens which they can then use to purchase other currencies or cryptocurrencies. 3. FoodTrax – a system that enables consumers to track where their foods come from, so that they can make more informed decisions about buying locally grown foods. The BCDC tokens and funding projects There is a total supply of one billion BCDC tokens, with a certain number going to fund each of the three projects. To fund Ecochain and FoodTrax, 250 million tokens will be sold in exchange for Ethereum cryptocurrency units (ETH) – at an initial fixed rate of one ETH to 400 BCDC tokens. These Ethereums will then be sold for fiat currency to spend on projects. To fund RecycleToCoin, 250 million tokens will be exchanged with participants for plastics and aluminium containers. For investors of BCDC tokens The pre-sale of 125 million BCDC tokens will end on 20th November and, after this, there will be a main sale until 27th November. To all investors that keep their coins, they will receive an additional 20% of their token amount every year for five years. BCDC has created a chance for investors who missed out on the rise of Bitcoin to participate in the benefits of cryptocurrency. However, perhaps those who missed it weren't ever going to invest anyway and will overlook this opportunity.

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