VanEck unveils groundbreaking Ethereum futures ETF in the US

In a significant move that underscores the growing acceptance of cryptocurrency in mainstream finance, investment management giant VanEck has announced its intention to launch the VanEck Ethereum Strategy ETF (EFUT). This development comes on the heels of the firm’s earlier foray into the crypto space with its Bitcoin Strategy ETF.

A deep dive into the VanEck Ethereum Strategy ETF

The VanEck Ethereum Strategy ETF, abbreviated as EFUT, is not just another ETF in the market. This actively managed fund is designed with a clear focus on Ethereum (ETH) futures contracts, aiming to capitalize on the potential appreciation of this leading cryptocurrency. However, it’s essential to clarify that the EFUT won’t be directly investing in Ethereum or any other digital currencies.

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Greg Krenzer, VanEck’s head of active trading, will be at the helm of this ETF, bringing his vast experience and expertise to ensure its success. The ETF is set to be listed on the CBOE, one of the largest stock exchanges in the US.

Instead of direct investments in Ethereum, the EFUT will channel its funds into standardized, cash-settled ETH futures contracts. These contracts will be procured exclusively from commodity exchanges that have the green light from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). In a strategic decision, the fund has chosen to invest only in ETH futures that are traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, a leading global derivatives marketplace.

This move by VanEck is not an isolated event. It follows the successful launch of its VanEck Bitcoin Strategy ETF (XBTF). Demonstrating its commitment to transparency and regular communication, the firm has pledged to provide consistent updates on the ETF’s progress through its official X account, which many might remember as Twitter.

The SEC’s Stance on Cryptocurrency ETFs

VanEck’s announcement comes at a time when the cryptocurrency world is keenly watching the actions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The regulatory body has been in the spotlight for its repeated delays in giving the nod to Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs.

A notable instance is the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), which had earlier approached the SEC with a proposal to establish an ETF. However, their application faced rejection. Not one to be deterred, Grayscale went back to the drawing board and came back with a revised proposal. This new submission incorporated unique regulatory strategies, aiming to increase the chances of getting the SEC’s approval.

In a twist to the tale, August 2023 saw a court stepping in and directing the SEC to take another look at Grayscale’s application. The court’s intervention highlighted the need for the SEC to adopt a more logical and rational approach in its decision-making process. This directive, however, did not sit well with the top brass at Grayscale, leading to evident dissatisfaction among its executives.

Adding another layer to the narrative, the SEC has also hit the pause button on a decision regarding VanEck’s proposed spot ether fund, known as the VanEck Ethereum ETF.


The world of cryptocurrency is no stranger to regulatory hurdles and challenges. However, the introduction of ETFs like EFUT by reputed investment management firms like VanEck signals a positive shift. As the lines between traditional finance and digital assets continue to blur, the market eagerly awaits the SEC’s decisions. These decisions will not only shape the future of cryptocurrency ETFs but also play a pivotal role in determining the trajectory of digital assets in the mainstream financial landscape.

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