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Chapters: 00:00:00

Intro 0:55

Europe gas prices leading to a John Galt moment? 6:16

IRS agents the new secret police? 9:40

Republicans under scrutiny 12:10 Viewer Q&A any currencies worth saving?

13:16 What should a young family do with their mortgage?

14:48 Why Doug doesn’t give stock picks

16:46 Reflection from Phil Donahue predictions

19:08 Risk of a Civil war

22:00 Failure in Afghanistan the turning point?

23:41 Who does Doug think is the REAL wealthiest person in the world?

26:38 Which countries will suffer the most??

28:30 Is there a country that will not be affected? 29:48 Can you move money out of the USA? NO

31:05 When the EU falls apart what will be adopted instead of the Euro

32:06 Focus on personal food or resources?

35:05 Why does Doug not fly Private?

37:15 Will Doug write an autobiography? 39:01 What stage is society in today?

40:28 German libertarian jailed

44:40 Book: Network states


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